The Beast From The East

When we were stationed in Key West, I would see these things over a foot in size!:eek1:
Uhoh, 1 foot in a 29 bio cube that should make him easier to catch, are they good to eat?
I found one crab site that said they get about an inch (body) he has a big wing span stays low in the tank never see him off the sand or bottom of rocks

Just for those of us too lazy/scared of the internets to click on links.

Yea that's a decorator. I had one with longer legs in my tank. I found him on my acros devouring all those delicious SPS polyps at night. He had some kenya trees growing on his back too, since he was decorating with them. After seeing the damage he did to some specific corals, I pulled him out, showed him to a few people around town, then gave him the flush. I should have found someone who wanted him, maybe for a FOWLR, maybe for a fish that eats delicious decorator crabs, who knows.

That was the one time that I wish I had acro crabs living in my colonies, because it would have been the most bada-ssedest thing in the world to see the acro crabs defend their colonies from this polyp muncher. Oh well.

Mine was a good 1.5-2" across standing on his legs. He started small like yours, and I had seen him pick polyps, and thought nothing of it. I figured he was too small to do any real damage. 2 months later, I noticed some of my colonies ****ed off, watched at night, and this sucker grew to twice the size as before or more.
Thanks ReefWreak for the assist, he has to go, caught him in my Zoa's and there my favorite. Buying double shot class today and fresh shrimp. Does anybody want him, I tell you one thing he is methodical rock cleaner. he has only started in on my corals after making my rock 44lbs of it look pristine. Anyone that is curing LR and wanted it cleaned up this is your guy right here.
Sunday, High Noon, you to can meet The Beast From The East and take him home if you will provide him a good home. If no takers he is going in the Intercostal . Notice how he looks like a miniature King Crab, maybe in a cold water tank he would grow to massive proportions.
i dont think it would be a good idea to realese that thing in the wild, with ll the talk about invasive species, you should consider other options. Try taking it to a LFS, even if they wont give you credit see if they will take it, same as any other hobbyist would. IMO i would rather hold on to it in my sump or fuge till someone takes it or flush it than release it into the ocean.