The best Protein Skimmer???



The real question is, are they the best skimmer for the $$

Exactly, Anythony Calfo went into this aspect of skimmers in great detail, and actually showed how the similar designs and product(skimmate) from differently priced skimmers wasn't all that different, just minor differences but huge differences in price, hence why most people now go ASM over Euro.

I own a Tunze 9015, I personally think Tunze skimmers have been underrated for some time. I find them efficient, quiet, and adjustable without being a hassle. I must say though, I have never owned a BK, nor a Ferrari but I do love my Audi TT Quattro.

I think its all based on your income, and your rational, if its worth it to you to have the best (however you personally define it) then go for it. I think Rich your right in that, how much water can a skimmer quietly skim and efficently remove waste, at what price per gallon.

I have had a CSS 120, and a few counter current older models. I heard from lots of folk that DAS skimmers, ( a no-name brand that makes DELTEC copies, aka Dutch Aquarium Systems (DAS) is worth the cash. If I upgrade I will probably get a DAS skimmer.
