Are you getting better colors with the Radions?? Just curious as I too am totally new to these led's. I do have a PAR meter though, so if I fry anything it's my own dam fault! HA!
Got some major algae kicking in today. Corals all look happy though. that NoPox is something else!!!! Smelly stuff too like you said! I am going to hang tough with the RedSea products and see how it rolls!
Yep! More light with alot less wattage for sure! That's awesome! Beautiful tank by the way.
The Radion Pro's are top of the line for sure. Certainly in the top 3. I love the Mitras also. Very nice, but very pricey too.
The NoPox stuff works and works quick!!!! My phos is down to 0.5 and nitrates barely detectable!!! This was right after I fed too. I am cutting back already to a half dosage for tomorrow.
I can certainly feed
tank looks really great.
Looking great mate! I tried the Brightwells salt and it was spot on as well. Looks like Seachem got real serious about their salt. The competition gives us quality products!
Please let me know how you like the Seachem salt. I love the RedSea and it's always done me right. I could not tell a huge difference between the RedSea and Brightwells.
My phosphates are down to 0.06 so I am pretty much good to go for adding some SPS frags..:beer::beer::smokin::smokin:
Had to add 6 more snails, they are tearing through the algae!!!! I am only on day 5 I think with the NoPox so it seems to be working well and fast.
My corals are not losing any colors and polyp extension seems to be good!
Are you on a maintenance dose now for your tank with the NoPox?
You tank and corals are looking great!
I know guys that will not put SPS in for 6 months!!! That's too long to wait, or I cannot wait that long..............LOL.
My corals look good so far!