The Fish Room 500 Redux

GW -- good to see you're still out there... if you're ever "Outriding" in beautiful Colorado, look me up for a 40K game... updating a few armies this summer w/ my 11 year old. Hoping to hit a few GT's next year with 'em.

David, thanks for the prompt on the photos.

Here's an updated full-tank shot...

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="1000" height="418" alt="Full-tank shot, 05212007" /></a>

I've been pretty slow to add new stock, preferring to let pieces show what they're made of before crowding them. You can check out what I mean -- I've posted some other growth pics here...

Growth Pics Post

There are a few outstanding additions that I'm really happy with -- most notably an A. aculeus, an ORA purple frag, and a green/purple-tips ORA chips frag. I'm also stoked, just taking a quick glance back to my January post above, how much my A. efflo and others have been growing. I'm not quite at the "inch a month" rates that some TOTM's are at, but slow and steady will fill up a 270G tank before you know it. ;-)

Here are a few more shots of the tank, a bit closer up:

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="800" height="532" alt="Middle of our Tank, 05212007" /></a>

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="500" height="388" alt="Pink Skunk Clowns, 05212007" /></a>

Over the weekend I'll be moving several pieces from the QT to the display tank. I'll try to find an afternoon to snap and post a bunch of macro shots. I know there isn't anything too exotic in the tank, but please tell me if there are any requests for a close up. :-D
