Premium Member
Well folks, I've made it to the half-way point of the Fish Room 500... (ie, the race to renevate my office for my 525G tank so I can order it from the fabricator before my wife spends my commission on something else around the house!!!)
Over the last four weeks my 18 x 12 office has been gutted, reinforced, and the drywall is now nearly complete. Since it is no longer just joists and studs I thought I'd show a couple of quick pics. Click on them for the bigger version.
Here's the circa 1940's building exterior, complete with unfinished scratch coat:
<A HREF="http://www.inverttanks.com/newtank/images/office_inprogress1_02132004.jpg"><IMG SRC="http://www.inverttanks.com/newtank/images/office_inprogress1_02132004_low.jpg" border="0"></A>
And, here's the stand for my 525G. It's still in progress -- some joints to level and flesh out -- but will be done in the next week or so. It's 4x6 top and bottom, 2-2x6 per post (eight posts,) and eight 2x6 joists spanning the width under 3/4" ply:
<A HREF="http://www.inverttanks.com/newtank/images/stand_inprogress2_02132004.jpg"><IMG SRC="http://www.inverttanks.com/newtank/images/stand_inprogress2_02132004_low.jpg" border="0"></A>
Look forward to any suggestions/critique!
Over the last four weeks my 18 x 12 office has been gutted, reinforced, and the drywall is now nearly complete. Since it is no longer just joists and studs I thought I'd show a couple of quick pics. Click on them for the bigger version.
Here's the circa 1940's building exterior, complete with unfinished scratch coat:
<A HREF="http://www.inverttanks.com/newtank/images/office_inprogress1_02132004.jpg"><IMG SRC="http://www.inverttanks.com/newtank/images/office_inprogress1_02132004_low.jpg" border="0"></A>
And, here's the stand for my 525G. It's still in progress -- some joints to level and flesh out -- but will be done in the next week or so. It's 4x6 top and bottom, 2-2x6 per post (eight posts,) and eight 2x6 joists spanning the width under 3/4" ply:
<A HREF="http://www.inverttanks.com/newtank/images/stand_inprogress2_02132004.jpg"><IMG SRC="http://www.inverttanks.com/newtank/images/stand_inprogress2_02132004_low.jpg" border="0"></A>
Look forward to any suggestions/critique!