Wow, perfect timing! I was just about to post an update!!!
Sorry for the long gap folks, but I've been out of town all but three of the last twenty or so calendar days... The good news is, part of that time I was in the Bahamas at the Atlantis Resort. The wife is now convinced that we need to add a 2000+ Gal pond to the project!!!
So, here's where things are:
1) Drywall is done, primer is drying, and I will be painting the room today.
2) Tank is on order and work commences tomorrow (Monday, 3/29) up at Envision Acrylics on the tank and the sump!!!
3) The tank and sump should ship mid-April. So, with around four weeks to go I have to get the pump shed ordered from Lowes, make a run to Grainger to get a new relay for the surge (it's wired -- thanks to Chris, H2OENG, and T_Sandman -- but the relay was a dud...), cut a hole in the roof for the skylight, order the 8-way motorized valve from Paul (Golfnut) for the returns, and, the biggest time sink, I have to dig a REALLY big hole for the pond.
Anyone out there now of SoCal reefers with a pond? References wanted...