The Fish Room 500

dick182 said:
Zeph, I take it you don't like the magnum?

Ummm... Didn't mean to comment on it I guess, I have no experience with it. I put it in quotes because earlier he had said that it was really a Sequence, and was miss-labeled on the drawing. :)

I just wanted to make sure he had considered ball-valves/unions on both sides of every pump.

A thought about about shutting the flow to the head tank with a motorized valve. If you wanted to use the valve somewhere else, you could just let the flow go over the safety standpipe.
Tie the 2" valves' relay to the light timer so the surge shuts down at night.
On our big tidepool system where I had the dual head tanks with 4" valves, we just shut it down at night. The flow just crested the standpipes all night. Then when you turn on the floats in the AM, its one helluva surge!
BTW, Good choice with James (aka Acrylics here on RC) building your tank.

Wow, perfect timing! I was just about to post an update!!!

Sorry for the long gap folks, but I've been out of town all but three of the last twenty or so calendar days... The good news is, part of that time I was in the Bahamas at the Atlantis Resort. The wife is now convinced that we need to add a 2000+ Gal pond to the project!!!

So, here's where things are:
1) Drywall is done, primer is drying, and I will be painting the room today.
2) Tank is on order and work commences tomorrow (Monday, 3/29) up at Envision Acrylics on the tank and the sump!!!
3) The tank and sump should ship mid-April. So, with around four weeks to go I have to get the pump shed ordered from Lowes, make a run to Grainger to get a new relay for the surge (it's wired -- thanks to Chris, H2OENG, and T_Sandman -- but the relay was a dud...), cut a hole in the roof for the skylight, order the 8-way motorized valve from Paul (Golfnut) for the returns, and, the biggest time sink, I have to dig a REALLY big hole for the pond.

Anyone out there now of SoCal reefers with a pond? References wanted...



Here's a top-down depiction of the tank's layout. The overflow will be 36" x 14" with 3" teeth to handle the flow on this pup. There will be an 8-way Valve under the tank feeding the returns. If you aren't following the 8-way Valve thread, check it out at the link below. Once you've viewed that, the eight 1" bulkheads I am having James put in the bottom of my new baby will make sense...

The two three-inch bulkheads will be for the drains, and the two "flat" bulkhead icons on the pic represent the surge return that will be plumbed to pass straight through the overflow box. James was gracious enough to offer to plumb this at the factory before the box is put in place to save a LOT of work... just one more reason I would already recommend, hands down, to work with Envision for any project you might have coming up. Those funky brown blocks at the top of the diagram represent the studs in the wall the tank will be sitting against.

<IMG SRC="" border="0'>

I plan to totally randomize which of the eight bulkheads is connected to which outlet on the 8-way. I'll also add eight of Paul's "Revolution" returns. Between this and the surge there should be EXCELLENT flow through the display.

This is gonna be one AWESOME setup. James is building my tank too. It has been great working with him. He doesn't skimp on anything.
I agree this going to be great. Isn't the Atlantis the best place on earth. I mean you can't turn around without seeing a shark or ray, it is awesome. I bet you had a blast. i was there almost a year ago and want to go back very badly.
Tank Construction UPDATE!!!

Tank Construction UPDATE!!!

Here's the first of a few pics direct from the factory [thank you James!!!!!!!!!]...


FYI -- this over flow is 36" wide x 14" deep x 30" tall. The teeth are 3" to accomodate 7000GPH, 2K/GPH of which will be in the form of SURGE.

The BEAST being glued and clamped

The BEAST being glued and clamped

Here's the money shot of this batch!!! I have to say I admire the attention to detail... like using a jack to brace the center of the span precisely where it should be. [Hope that isn't a trade secret James, but it's a beautiful touch.]

wow, I wondered how they did my tank!

custom tanks are the best, since you can say, yeah, there's not another like this one, I ordered it 1/8 inch short just to make sure! LOL. Thanks for the pictures!
wow, I wondered how they did my tank!

custom tanks are the best, since you can say, yeah, there's not another like this one, I ordered it 1/8 inch short just to make sure! LOL. Thanks for the pictures!
Sense of scale?

Sense of scale?

Here's one of a few I'll post today when I have some time...


Certainly lends a sense of scale to the tank.
