Another [OMG HOTTTT] Day in Paradise
Another [OMG HOTTTT] Day in Paradise
Well, I had to jet to AZ for a family emergency over the weekend, so I took yesterday and today off to work on the project. Unfortunately, it was 110 deg here yesterday, and is already 105 as I am typing this. So, not a lot is getting done on the system.
This morning I did rise early, however, do get the piers poured for the reinforcement of the floor. In the shot below you can see two of the four rebar "pins" I drilled 6" into the foundation of the office. Four pins have been set in construction epoxy for each of the four piers that I am pouring.
This second shot clearly shows three of the four pier locations. Notice the "QuikTubes" by QuikCrete. Nice, easily cut pier-forms. Great for decks, patios, oh, and for reinforcing the floor under exceptionally heavy objects -- like a reef tank.
The tank runs parallel to the 2x6 floor joists. There is a nice set of piers that were poured in the early 90s that you can see in the picture anchored to a 4x6 and 4x4 posts. The span between the end of the joists and the 4x6 is five feet. My brother-in-law [structural engineer] told me to reduce the span, add more joists, or both. So, I'm putting a set of piers and a 4x6 beam 30" from the wall, and another 30" from the existing beam. That will give me the foundation and three beams (six piers) for support. I'm torn about doubling up on the floor joists. It's a PITA to get under the office in the first place, and trying to get another 2x6 between the existing joists that are 13" O.C. might be nigh unto impossible.
I've poured the first 3" into each of the four forms. That has to set up nicely before I can put the post-ties in the remaining 9" of cement. I'll probably get that poured this evening, or first thing Thursday morning.
Other stuff...
*** The Polyethylene surge tank arrived to day
*** The Polycarbonate panels for the skylight arrived today
*** 48" quad-beckett skimmer from MRC is now on order
*** All remaining dry-goods now on order
*** Lowe's expected to install the "Fish Room" (aka, Tack Room Modular Shed) NLT 5/18.
*** I'm finish my PADI Open Water Cert at the end of this month!!!! [no, not so I can dive into my reef tank . . .
