What a week . . .
What a week . . .
Wow, last week was tough for making progress on the system. It was the end of my company's fiscal year, I had a $1.7Mil on the table, and I was supposed to get my first delivery of NSW!!! Well, the deal came through, but the water drop didn't.
When I asked for the SMALLEST truck available, I expected (and was told 2 months ago I would see on-site) a small propane-delivery type truck. Instead, Catalina showed up with a 30+ ft trailer on a big rig here in the windy roads of Topanga Canyon... Big Rig and a driveway that has a 10% grade don't mix!!! So, no NSW for my system . . . at least not until I can plumb a curb-side delivery pipe...
So, by Saturday I was filled and dropping in LR/LS. Right now the tank has approx #360 LR (86 new Pukani + 90 4 mo old + 180 6 mo old Fiji) and #300 LS and it looks EMPTY!!! LOL. I'll post pics in just a sec.
Here's what's finished -- the skimmer, my 8-way return, the sump, and the Heat Pump.
Here's what's not -- the supplemental lights, the mylar reflectors, and my Quarantine Tank.
The reflectors, lighting and frame for the hood should be up and chugging by week's end. The QT will probably come together on Friday. So, on Saturday I *HOPE* to move my Acros and some LR into QT, and the rest of my Livestock into the tank!!!
Fingers crossed...