The Frag Swap


Premium Member
Hey everyone,

We just want to thank everyoine that stopped by to see and pruchase our frags. It was great meeting you all and we hope everyone's frags do well.

It was a great day and we enjoyed meeting everybody there!
Also if there was anything you guys were interested in that I ran short of please let me know.


Mike and Karene
I had an awesome time. I got all the corals I wanted, sold alot of corals (enough to pay next semesters college tuition) :) , bought a luminarc reflector, won 5 of the raffles lol, and met alot of the people I regularly talk online with but have never met in person.

By 4pm I was beat and finally packed up and left. Their were alot more people then I expected as well as vendors. I can't wait for the next one.

Thanks again everyone for all the planning that went into this great event. Also thanks to RacerMike for the great corals and the reflector.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12051884#post12051884 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
I had an awesome time. I got all the corals I wanted, sold alot of corals (enough to pay next semesters college tuition) :) , bought a luminarc reflector, won 5 of the raffles lol, and met alot of the people I regularly talk online with but have never met in person.

By 4pm I was beat and finally packed up and left. Their were alot more people then I expected as well as vendors. I can't wait for the next one.

Thanks again everyone for all the planning that went into this great event. Also thanks to RacerMike for the great corals and the reflector.

good for u buddy enjoy well deserved.
Hey Matt,

I hope you enjoy everything. I never really left my table so I don't even know what was really there LOL. I think the only time I left was at the end when I was walking out LOL. Next time I'll get to walk around more.

It was great seeing you guys and picking up some great frags. I'm playing hookie today, whew I'm tired. I was up til the wee hours dipping frags, cleaning my Koralias (BTW, the airline mod works great, totally quiet now). I'll try to post some pics later.
Mike, thanks for that freebie you gave me with the frags I bought off you, that put a smile on my wife which scored big points for me. :D Your setup at the swap was very organized and the corals looked great.

Pedro, I would love to see that mod on your Koralias. I'm having the same issue also and cant stand the noise that comes out of those things.
I felt like the frag swap was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who came, and all of the volunteers who helped run it. I think we had solid traffic for about 3 hours straight. Unfortunately, I was too busy to catch Martin's sea urchin presentation, or watch Todd's acrylic demonstration. I spoke with Martin afterward, and there's a good chance we'll have him back later this year to give a talk at one of our regular meetings.

Christy and I brought more frags than any of the previous swaps, and still unloaded everything by the end of the day. Thanks to everyone who bought corals from us - PM me if you have any questions about placement and care.

We picked up a sunset monti and ORA german blue polyp acro from Matt, a rainbow monti and a granulosa from Mike, purple haze from Dave (Coral Reef Farm), bright green trumpets from Mark (Reef's Edge), and a pink milli and a red robin from Paul. Paul was one of the guys at the table next to me - the 3 of them drove over together from the Tampa area to participate in our swap!

Mike, let's get together one of these days so I can get an oregon tort from you.
It was my first time at any FMAS event. It was spectacular!! Ive been wanting to join FMAS for YEARS; as far back as when they met at the Miami Science Museum. Im happy i finally had the chance.

I bought stuff from all you guys, Mike, Jeff, Mathew, and Jeff from CRF. Everything looks GREAT!, thank you.

Im playing hookie as well. Setting up an ATO system.
Very well done...Thanks for the frags Mike...was great to meet you and see a lot of the folks. The venue was fantastic, I was glad I had space to walk around and move!
This frag swap was probably the largest and most successful I have seen since my time in the club. Hopefully we have many more of these as it is a great way to finally meet everyone here online.

Thanks again everyone on the board and to all the volunteers. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12054366#post12054366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chinoxl3

Pedro, I would love to see that mod on your Koralias. I'm having the same issue also and cant stand the noise that comes out of those things.

Chino, I didn't want to hijack the Frag Swap post, so I posted the fix on this thread
it was definitly nice to have the extra space so it wasnt so crowded...... i came home with alot more than i planned but still within my budget which was nice! btw out of everything i bought from any one at the swap my favorite is outta the pink mille or the green birdsnest that i got from u ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12054404#post12054404 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig

We picked up a sunset monti and ORA german blue polyp acro from Matt, a rainbow monti and a granulosa from Mike, purple haze from Dave (Coral Reef Farm), bright green trumpets from Mark (Reef's Edge), and a pink milli and a red robin from Paul. Paul was one of the guys at the table next to me - the 3 of them drove over together from the Tampa area to participate in our swap!

Hi everyone,

What a great frag swap!!:)

Thank you so much for letting us Northerners participate in your event. I stepped in the door at 1am and actually went to bed at 2:30am after acclimating and treating all the wonderful frags that I was able to pick up.

Jeff and Christy,

Thank you for having dinner with Greg, Bruce and me!!

We (Hawkster BruceM and I) didnt get much sleep all weekend but it was a great time and well worth the effort.

Jeff and Christy, Thanks again for the hospitality it was great seeing you again. We need to do it again when we can have more time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12067888#post12067888 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ah64av8tor
We (Hawkster BruceM and I) didnt get much sleep all weekend but it was a great time and well worth the effort.

Jeff and Christy, Thanks again for the hospitality it was great seeing you again. We need to do it again when we can have more time.
Thx and Hawkster :thumbsup: