The furry fuzzies


New member
I bought these as very small frags at my LFS as kind of a pot luck type thing. I like the color of them, but have never seen zoa's with such a shaggy hair cut. Is this normal? Picture isn't too clear, its taken with a cell phone camera. They weren't spreading all that fast so I put them into an area with a little more flow and the colony has tripled its size in a month.
If the flow is causing that, I'm gonna move my powerhead closer. Never have seen that before. Pretty neat.
It may be flow or it may just be the zoa's. I have a rock with two different zoas on it and they are growing side by side. One has a short skirt/fringe and the other has a long skirt/fringe. They are this way in high flow areas and low flow, although they are not as large in the low flow tank.