causeofhim said:I have been cooking my rocks for a few weeks now. When I do the swishing of the rocks between Brute swaps, could I just use fresh RO water? I have been using saltwater but seems like a waste of salt. I go through a lot of water in this process and seems like saltwater would not be needed.
Many people do a freshwater dip with some delicate corals w/o a problem. I wouldn't think a freshwater swishing would be a problem with liverock I am cooking.
mattrix said:This is something that I have been curious about as well. I'm going to be cooking rock for a new tank so I won't have recycled water available for swishing. Is there any harm in dunking and swishing the rock in fresh RO water instead of fresh saltwater?
nicholasvilppu said:I am interested too. Mabye it can get rid of all the bristle worms I have.
causeofhim said:Just started cooking my rocks tonight.
Took my first big step towards barebottom.