The Last of the Living Blowout Sale


Fish Mother
This is what's left from my blowout sale. The fish and blastomusa are sold and what is left are the following:

9 year cycled live rock (will sell after the living things are sold)

Euphyllia - mixed frog spawn and hammers, down from 100 to about 30 or so heads


Candy cane

The corals are $7/head firm. If you want what's left, it still $7/head. The gorgonia is $25 for the whole thing. If you buy the coral that is left, I will throw in a few free corals and the gorgonia.

The sump will be for sale along with the autotopper, the Apex Junior computer, the circulating pumps, skimmer, the AI sol computerized light system, 2 large heaters, Water changing apparatus and tubes, buckets, salt, refractometer various additives, aquarium glass cleaner and odds and ends every reef keeper can use. The tank and stand will also be for sale eventually.

Equipment details: 92G Mixed reef, SCA-302 skimmer, 15g sump w/fuge & Eheim Compact Plus @650 gph, AI Sol Blue, Koralia 750 &Tunze Nanostream 6025

I can now sell my live rock. Make me an offer. I also discovered 4 heads of blastomusa after I sold the big piece.
Update: 2 rocks and blasto are gone. Just have rocks, candy cane heads and some gorgonia we didn't realize we had. Plus of course the tank/stand and equipment therein.