The next level! 65g SPS

I don't have a recent full tank shot and the lights are out, but here's a few others. I feel like it looks like a frag tank :( things are just small and scattered. I'm going to bring the giant wellso and two big hammer corals in soon to get rid of more LPS.


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5" off the water seems awefully close but I suppose if your not running them at 100% should be ok

Yeah, I think I need to rethink my lighting situation. I'm going to do more research on schedules/intensity/etc that people are having success with and make adjustments.
I finally found something better than a phone to take pics with. I stirred up my sandbed before these so excuse the cloudiness.


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Red dragon that I seem to bump into and 'frag' every day. Luckily it grows like a weed.


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For pictures you can use a yellow filter. It will tone down the blue a lot.

Also sign up for a photobucket account :) It will make posting pictures a bit easier..

Hope this helps!
Ah, thank you for that reply. I did let it fall a bit, more than I meant to in fact - in about a week it dropped to 8.5. I'm bringing it up slowly. Calcium is down to 375 finally (glad to see its being used!) so I'll mix up the solution and start dosing that tomorrow.

Do you think this drop in Kh could have caused the issue with the coral mentioned above?

Thanks Flanders! I think my manual dosing just isn't cutting it, I'm going to pick up an auto doser to keep things stable. Jebao perhaps.

Clown - thank you so much for that tip. I read up on how to adjust the white balance too - helped a lot!

I turned the intensity down to 70% and switched to the Coral Radiance preset schedule. Oh, and signed up for photobucket ;)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo image_zpsbiohvwko.jpeg"/></a>
Do you like your Radion? Im running a Mitras on my 60 gal cube and it's a pretty high tech fixture and not very user friendly (the interface kinda sucks and it's PC only).
Do you like your Radion? Im running a Mitras on my 60 gal cube and it's a pretty high tech fixture and not very user friendly (the interface kinda sucks and it's PC only).

I like it so much! It's really easy to understand and I appreciate that there are quite a few preset schedules to choose from or it would be tricky to know where to start if you're pretty new (like me). I like that I can toggle through each setting and see what they'll look like at different times of the day.

I also like the easy acclimation feature and how easy it is to tweak the photoperiod, etc. I'd definitely give it an A+.

Very nice Greentree, I really like the Red Planet

Thank you Neil!
I have another question. I did the calculation for the amount of 2 part calcium solution to add and it seems like a lot. 6.7 oz to raise 65 gallons from 370ppm to 400ppm? Raising the Kh from 8 to 9 required 1.5 oz. I know these are completely different solutions, but I just want to make sure before I mess something up :)

I'm going to manually add 1 oz per day until I reach 400ppm, and then watch to see how much the system is utilizing daily. Any and all feedback is much appreciated - thanks again everyone!
I have another question. I did the calculation for the amount of 2 part calcium solution to add and it seems like a lot. 6.7 oz to raise 65 gallons from 370ppm to 400ppm? Raising the Kh from 8 to 9 required 1.5 oz. I know these are completely different solutions, but I just want to make sure before I mess something up :)

I'm going to manually add 1 oz per day until I reach 400ppm, and then watch to see how much the system is utilizing daily. Any and all feedback is much appreciated - thanks again everyone!


Take it super super slow. I increased alkalinity quick and my pink birds nest started to STN. I would increase by a few ml. every other day until you reach your target.

I dose B-Ionic and went from the recommended 15 ml. each a day to 20 of alk and 30 of calcium. Just test and find that sweet spot.

A lot of coral don't like the drastic swing of alkalinity and PH.

Just be a bit careful :)
Thanks for the tip! Ive been increasing my dosing very gradually.

I just got home from being out of town for the weekend. I'm seeing that it's losing flesh in odd areas - between the branches. Is this a flow issue? Is it too late to save it? Please help!

Excuse the iPhone pic, I wanted to show the tissue loss.


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