what do you guys think about this setup: http://www.aquacave.com/detail.aspx?ID=1989#Reviews
Will this be sufficient enough for a 57g 36"L x 18"W x 21"H dominated with SPS???
Hi Grim,
I'd like to join the many others that you've so graciously helped with lighting advice. I don't know exactly what I want to put in my tank yet, but I want to make sure that I don't limit myself with by the lighting that I choose. Is that possible? I don't think I want MH. I'm trying to keep the electric bill as low as possible. You can see my build thread here http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1684130
My first question is which way should I go, fixture or retro-fit? From what I've read, you're a big fan of ATI fixtures. I would think that with the room that I have in my canopy that I could go either way, but I think retro-fitting would be preferred? Should I have eight lights or would six be enough? It is a 70 gallon tank. Thanks Grim, if you need more information let me know. Being new, I'm not sure what info to provide with my question.
Im Planning a 10 bulb set up for a 60x24 foot print tank, How far above the tank should I set it? I want to Build the Canopy, but Im hoping I can keep it somewhat short, like a 12" which would place the lights about 10 Inches(give or take) above the water. Will this work?
I'd change out the stock lamps but it should be fine.
You can place the lamps as low as 4" above the tank and be fine/ I would only do 8 lamps, 10 are not needed and with reflectors probably wouldn't even fit.
Thanks for the advice.. What lamps would you recommend?
Probably a dumb question, but what would you call a "standard" T-5 ballast? Is there a preferred brand?
Hi Grim,
I know this is probably in here somewhere, but, I have a 75g mixed,sps, lps, and softies, with a 4x54 nova extreme slr and a 2x54 nova extreme slr. In the 4x54 I have 2 ati aquablue and 2 ati blue+. In the 2x54 I have stock current actinic and 10k. I want to slowly change to mainly sps and some lps. What bulbs and what order front to back would you recommend. I like some blue, but not TOO blue. Thanks
I'm running a 36" 6bulb set up with control in 1 & 6, 2 &4, 3&5. I run currently all Guiesman bulbs. on a 65gl rr tank 36x18x24? Getting good growth.
not in this order
4- blue +
1- Act +
1- midday
I would like a litlle better color in my pinks and reds. I have a line on two new pro colors would you replace any of these or use a different bulb?
Thanks In advance!
I would do 7 lamps.
ATI Blue Plus
KZ Fiji Purple or UVL 75/25
ATI Blue Plus
ATI Aquablue
ATI Blue Plus
Fiji or 75/25
Blue Plus.
You don't have to overdrive the lamps. You can get a reefkeeper or some other controller to run the lights.
Thanks for the advice. One more question. Who do you like for your lighting supplier? I think I remember reading reefgeek?