The T5 Q&a Thread

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What about the marineland actinics? I used them only because I had them, but was planning on replacing them with 454's. Would you suggest something different?

I will say, in the month I have ran this combo, I have gotten pretty good growth!

ATI Blue Plus, good color, good life and Good PAR
I am sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but if so please direct me to the right place.

I am running a 60 tall tank. I am wondering if my light can handle clams. If there are different bulbs i would need to get etc.

If this has already been discussed please direct me to the right place. :smurf:

How tall is the tank?

Blue Plus
Purple plus
Blue Plus
GE 6500K Daylight
Blue Plus
Purple Plus
Blue Plus
Blue Plus

Approximate locations.

LOL! :o I've been out of the bulb selection game for too long I guess. Thanks so much for the input. Ok, will go with something like that. thanks all!
So if i get a PAR meter in there what kind of numbers am i looking for? And whats the best way to go about testing? I mean i would want to put the meter in the water to get the most accurate results right? Put it in a plastic bag?
A little info 8 foot tank 24 deep

Right side 24x4 sunpower 2 ati blue plus
1 Fiji purple
1 ati actinic
This mix i like the colour and the brightness

Middle of tank 8 bulb powermodule 3 ati actinic
3 blue plus
2 Fiji purple
A little white in colour

Left side of tank 24x4 sunpower 2 blue plus
1 actinic
1 super actinic

Not as bright to the eye

Any suggestions in bulb mix from one side to the other, would like to balance out the colour.

So if i get a PAR meter in there what kind of numbers am i looking for? And whats the best way to go about testing? I mean i would want to put the meter in the water to get the most accurate results right? Put it in a plastic bag?

You want more than 100 at the sandbed if you plan SPS. You'll need a water proof PAR meter.
A little info 8 foot tank 24 deep

Right side 24x4 sunpower 2 ati blue plus
1 Fiji purple
1 ati actinic
This mix i like the colour and the brightness

Middle of tank 8 bulb powermodule 3 ati actinic
3 blue plus
2 Fiji purple
A little white in colour

Left side of tank 24x4 sunpower 2 blue plus
1 actinic
1 super actinic

Not as bright to the eye

Any suggestions in bulb mix from one side to the other, would like to balance out the colour.


Of course you need a Purple lamp on the left fixture and I would replace the actinics with Blue Plus.
I currently have a Current 4x39w t5 fixture that needs the bulbs replace, can I replace them with any brand of bulbs, I was thinking of ATI or will that not work? Thanks.
Originally Posted by talwen View Post

your dedication to this thread is amazing and I appreciate it.

my question is what light setup would you recommend for 125 gallon (72" x 18" x 21) are the two that i am looking at for the tank. if you could give me your recommendations on these lights or any others in that price range it would be much appreciated. also if you could give me the best bulb setup i would need to keep LPS and eventually SPS corals. lighting is the very least subject i know about in reefing and it starting to bother me as i cant decide which one to get.

first fixture up is an 6 bulb ATI!_Bulbs_by_ATI

second fixture is a 6 bulb tek

When in doubt ALWAYS go better, get the ATI.

Grim i am getting ready to order the bulbs with this like since its cheaper can you give me a good combo for the 6 bulbs
Planning a 75g display refugium with a variety of macro and possibly sea grass. I will be using a 8 x 54w tek light (overkill but picked it up dirt cheap) and was wondering what bulb combo i should use. I saw this combo mentioned above:

Blue Plus
Purple plus
Blue Plus
GE 6500K Daylight
Blue Plus
Purple Plus
Blue Plus
Blue Plus

Would this also work for my setup?
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