The "whats left" thread


New member
I'll be home all day Saturday, so please come on by and grab some deals! Coral only at the moment, fish will be at a later date, as well as most equipment.

Okay, there's not a whole lot left off the original list:

Red Dragon Colony 400
Hyacinth Birdsnest Colony 200
Orange Fuzzy Monti (softball sized) 75
Pagoda Cup (very large showpiece) 200
Cornuts Loripes Colony 300
Green Slimer Colony 300
Garf Bonzai (Huge, great show piece) 500
Neon Green Toadstool (Massive) 500
Incredible Hulk Colony 75
Blue Loki Colony 200
Idaho Grape Colony 75
Red Monti Colony 50
Ricordea Garden (Variety) 150
Ricordea Garden (Green) (Huge) 100
Pink Birdsnest 60
ORA Miami Orchid Colony (Huge) 150

But, it gave me room to make another list :)

ORA Boreallis 60
Lokani 60
ORA Marshal Islands Acro 50
WWC Banana Special 50
Spongodes Colony (Big) 75
Maze Brain (Small) 20
Acan (Neon Orange/Blue) 40
Rainbow Acan 35
Red Acan 20
War Coral colony 75
Yellow and Green LPS (Really Neat) 60
King Midas Monti 40
Green with red polyps monti 30
Strawberry Shortcake (not ORA shortcake) 50
God of War Zoa (7 polyps) 100
Hollywood stunner (massive) 50
Hollwood stunner (small) 20
Purple hornets 30
tricolor (small many branches) 20
No idea lokani like deepwater coral (its neat) 25
Acroberry colony 100
blue/purple acro colony 75
the one everyone thinks looks like pearlberry :) 200
blue tip green stag colony 60
cool green acro frag 25
blue/purple/black milli frag (really dark) 30
sand dollar monti encursted on frag rock 20
green psammacora 10
multicolor pink/green birdsnest 15
monti rock with a few encrusting corals on it (one is reverse sunset I believe) 50
green lepto looking coral 25
that meteor shower cyphastrea (included with the hyacinth birdsnest) 40
ORA Purple plasma frag 25
Wild Fire and Ice (a few frags) 15

PM with requests for holds for tomorrow. If I'm already holding a coral for you (guys with the millis or last nights list, your corals have been removed from this list).
Actually, can you me a pic of that acan when you get a chance. Or send me your number and I'll text you tomorrow.
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I have a couple things. Orange monti rock is pretty sweet, pagoda is amazing, but the best thing in the tank is the neon green toadstool. It glows under blues. Come on by and I'll set the lights up however you like ;)

I might have a buyer pulling out, so hears a few of the really fancy things back on the market

Cali Tort Branching 75

Raspberry Limeade Colony 300

Crazy Colony 400

Aussie Wild Colony 150

Blue one in the middle

Still plenty left, got some great size pieces for those of you with big tanks, or those needing to fill a smaller tank!