There's still hope!

As an Aussie I say: Don't hold your breath.

They've approved huge changes to coal mining and ports in the area. There is going to be increased mining activity and run-off leading into the GBR.

We have a government that is apathetic to the reef. Their method of dealing with it was to send $500million... To.... A publicity company. That's it. The company was supposed to actually generate funds to support the GBR.
What we are getting is Facebook ads running on Aussie facebook feeds that just ask people to click the I'm In button.
This is 18+ months after they got the $500mil funding.
We are still relying on universities to do the real work and they've just had their funding slashed.

Things are dire. The GBR is in more danger now than ever. Yes it's spawning. But our government is apathetic and prefers coal mining (and all it's associated runoff) over caring for our environment.

Just check how Australia faired at Glasgow.. We rated last. A score of 0.

Things in Australia are dire for our environment at the moment.
I don't know how the rest of the world can pressure our government, just know that I will be voting to out these louts. I hope enough Aussies feel the same way.

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