They may take our lives, but they can never take our ZOAS!!!


New member
Hahaha, I just had to share this with the few people who can appreciate it... (everyone else thinks I'm nutz).

I was taking some pics to catalog some recent frags and I just thought this one little colony of polyps was a solid bright shade of sea green... until I blew up the picture.


Them zoas look like they're fixin' ta peck a fight w' tha English. :lol:
Bwahaha, I dub thee... "Bravehearts".
"I came home to raise crops (or corals?), and God willing, a family. If I can live in peace, I will." - william wallace
Heh Heh, Nice pieces John.

I have to come and see how your aquaculture facility is coming along one of these days.