thinking of adding a diamond goby - pros/cons ?


New member
90g fowlr
pr of clowns
coral beauty
6 line wrasse
cc strfsh
cleaner shrimp

main reason is to clean up detrius in my 80# of live sand

good or flawed thinking ?

btw - also want to add a kole tang after the goby - concerned about compatibility - thoughts/ comments ?
pros--you nailed it

cons--they et pretty big and tend to move lots of sand around; usually only a problem when they discharge onto corals-- shouldn't be an issue for you.

I don't see any compatibility problem with the lineup you've described...some will claim that tangs should have a bigger home than a 90, but I think a Kole should do okay.

wetwebmedia thread
I bought a pair that I put in my 100 gallon. I have extremely high flow rate in my tank (20X) and everytime they let out a mouthful of sand, it was swept into the water column and went ALL over. My filter ended up being full of sand and my live rock covered with sand.
I did end up putting them in my 65 Gallon seahorse tank with minimal flow and they are quite content in there, and don't make too bad of a mess. So I guess my point is that if you have a lot of flow, then watch out. They do do a fantastic job of keeping sand clean!
i have one in my 60 reef and the only real issue that ive come across is that his sifting clouds my water up, not a huge deal, but an awsome fish. if you get a pair they will swim together and dance around each other
thx very much everyone
i am convinced it would be a good move
getting one tomorrow after work
dave , i trade equities as well
nyc based sales trader
you ?
What are you planning to feed your diamond goby? The reason I ask is because I had one in a 90 and it never ate. It ended up getting very skinny and finally died. It was a very good sand sifter and was a very active fish. Mainly, my question is what do they eat because mine never seemed interested in mysis shrimp?
i am choosing a diamond goby over any other goby because my research has shown that they eat the best -
i 've been told they eat anything -
not true ?
i have formula 2 pellets , formula 2 flake , frozen mysys and frozen angel and butterfly diet foods -
hoping he eats at least one of those -
of course , i will make sure i see him eat at the lfs , prior to purchase
Mine not only sift sand, but will come out at feeding time and eat whatever the rest of the tank is eating. Basically all types of foods you mentioned.
Recently puchased one to keep the bottom of my 55 clean. Does a great job. The one I have also has a ton of personality and willingly took frozen Mysis an hour after being added to the tank.