Thinking of getting out of hobby cause of unsure mold infestation


New member
Anyone here know where to get tested for mold. I had recently flooded my carpet with freshwater (not the first time...both fresh and saltwater) and I was out of town and didn't catch it for a good wk. Then, a wk more for it to dry out. I am getting allergies and recently got sick (and still)...coughing, no energy and sweat like a pig.

The wall paper on the other side of the room where the tank is came off and some mushroom was growing on the wall toward the bottom. I think I have to cut open that wall to see if I have mold...hope I don't, but I highly think that I have a seriously mold problem.

Any suggestions or advices?

Thanks in adance!
You need to go see a doctor, or a respitory specialist.
Mold problems can be highly toxic and it sounds like you've got a bad one.
I don't know of any companies that test for mold of the top of my head, but I'm sure the health dept can point you in the right direction.
Good luck and don't wait too long.
I would definetly go see your doctor for you and your families health first. Then call for an inspector to come out to test for mosd,most of the "good" companies will do it for free. Make sure you get a certified mold guy or they could be pulling your chain.


The # 1 problem is wall paper, it dosnot let the wall take any air in therefore resulting to mold. Cure it, and remove all wal paper in house.
This is from a city official that deals with mold issues "in Florida people should not have wall paper", presently mold caused the relocation of fire department and police department, and my opinion is it can lead to chronical disease, WATCH OUT.
O man, that's really bad. I've had allergies for months out of no where. Have to get it fix asap. Anyone know how much it will run around?

Also, does anyone know a standard home insurance policy (hurricane, fire, etc) cover mold infestation?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12023144#post12023144 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kewlworm
Also, does anyone know a standard home insurance policy (hurricane, fire, etc) cover mold infestation?

Most do not.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12023144#post12023144 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kewlworm
Also, does anyone know a standard home insurance policy (hurricane, fire, etc) cover mold infestation?

many policies are trying to get out of paying for mold but look into it. There was a good thread on it about a year ago, the couple has a frag business on ebay, i can't think of their names.
A lot of insurance compnies have added language to policies limiting mold coverage unless you pay for an extra rider.

I'll get Christy to post here. She's been involved in some mold-related cases, and has contacts who can do testing and remediation.
I am insured by The Hartford and my policy did cover mold but has been almost a year of aggravation they will try to pay the least possible, I am still not done dealing with them just started tearing down this week but I am missing payment for some items.
I used this people for testing and got the report in about a week.

CIH Environmental Solutions, Inc.
Tollfree: 888.860.0101
Christy here.

Unfortunately, I have lots of experience with mold issues being in the construction law realm, and on a personal note I am highly allergic to all molds and fungus, so I feel your pain.

Here is what you need to do.

First, if you have mushrooms growing in your house, you have a fungal problem, and very likely there is other species of fungi/mold growing behind your wall or on your drywall. So immediately call your insurance company. Many policies limit mold coverage to $5000 or exclude it all together, but it can't hurt to try. Pull out your policy, and read it. A mold limitation should be on a separate endorsement sheet in the back. Remember though, you are in a situation where not all of your damage is from mold, but from a water event, so there should at least be coverage for your water damage part (unless they try to exclude you due to it being a fish tank problem). Bottom line, it never hurts to try.

Second, at this point, you do not need a "test" for mold. You know you have a problem since you have visible mushroom growth. And no, tests are not free. A mold test by a bad company thats not certified can cost up to $100. A mold test done by a certified mold remediator/hygenist and a licensed lab can cost upwards of $800. So don't pay for this now since you know you have a problem. Pay for a test after you have done all of your remediation to confirm that you have cleared your house. And remember, in Florida, mold is ever present everywhere, so there is no real way to "test" for it. The good, legitimate companies will take air samples in your home and outside of your home. Basically, if the mold spore counts from in your home are substantially elevated over what is naturally occurring in the air outside, you know you still have a problem.

Another thing about mold, most common molds are not "toxic" like some mold companies like to claim. There are very few species that are toxic. For more info on this, you can go to the CDCs website. However, if you are an individual such as myself who is allergic to all molds (good and bad), you can have some serious respiratory recussions as a result. So this is something that you should not take lightly, and try to immediately remedy. If you are having an allergic respiratory response, they should resolve once you clear your house.

So how to clear your house - you can go about it two ways. You can read up on it and try to do it yourself, or you can hire a professional mold remediation company. Given your health concerns, I don't think doing it yourself is a good idea. In the past, I have used John Koenig of Total Restoration and he does a very good job of clearing contamination at a not so insane price. Understand that there will be ranges of price for mold restoration from a couple hundred dollars to $20,000. You will get handymen who will basically just replace your drywall and call it done (not a good way of going about it since the mold will grow back) to companies that will basically try to rebuild your home. So you need to find a reasonable medium. In your situation, here is probably what will need to be done. Carpet and all affected porous construction materials (drywall, carpet padding etc.) will need to be ripped out and replaced. If you are really attached to your carpet there is a cleaning process, but its really just better to bite the bullet and rip it out. Your walls will be opened, and the interior portions will be cleaned and treated with an antimicrobial anti fungal solution. Your subfloors will also be treated. This should all really be done in a contained area (where they drape plastic) to keep the spores from getting airborn and spreading to other areas while the ripping up it taking place. HEPA air scrubbers should be run to clean any spores out of the air. And, your A/C system should be inspected to make sure it has not been contaminated. Because of the moisture in A/C systems, if you get mold in your house, and the spores are airborn, it can contaminate the A/C system.

I am sorry for your ordeal, but please don't blame the fishtank, unfortunately there is no avoiding mold in Florida and water intrusion of any kind (leaky faucet, toilet overflow) can cause a problem.

Oh, and yes, wallpaper is a bad idea in Florida, unless you are going to perforate it to allow the moisture to breathe. Better to just stick with paint though, and always remember to use Killz in places where moisture is present (bathrooms, kitchens, near fishtanks).

Hope this helps. Total Restoration's number is 954-829-7768. Their owner is also an insurance adjuster, so he can often lend help with claims. Remember to call your own insurance company. They might have their own people for this. Good Luck.

Great explanation and advise, following it will save you time, it has taken me almost a year to learn what Christy just explained dealing with it on my own.
You should also look into a dehumidifier, which can help to reduce the risk of this happening again in the future. They will run one while doing the removal process, but it's good to have one after also.
Thanks Christy! I appreciate for the post. It has definately save me time.

I just found out my insurance don't cover anything relate to mold. I am kind of a handyman myself, so I will most likely gonna take down the wall and see how bad the situation is, then decide on what to do.

Not really blaming the fish tank, just me for not careful enough. But the first thing I have to do is move the fish tank out of the way. Since I was thinking about downgrading...this will very well start it. And it will be so much better the second time around! :)

Thanks everyone!
Good luck with the process. You may want to invest in a set of coveralls and a good respirator of some sort. If you are allergic to mold, large exposure can bring on aniphalactic shock, so please be careful. (I have an epi-pen for my allergies).

The key to getting rid of the mold is to remove and discard all affected porous materials and to repeatedly wipe all non porous materials down with an antimicrobial like Fosters or a bleach/water solution. When in doubt, cut it out - take more drywall than what looks damaged. Its cheap, and you only want to do this once. If you don't get all the mold, there is the risk of it spreading to new areas in the future.

Also, there may be places locally where you can rent HEPA air scrubbers or water remediation places that will place them in your house for a fee. I would highly recommend this to clean any airborn spores out of the air.
