Thinking of Starting a 180gallon


Active member
Well we are moving soon and i was thinking of starting a 180 gallon tank. Im not sure if this will happen or when but i would like some info so if it does happen i can start it right when we move. This will be a 180 gallon tank and i have wrote some of my ideas at the bottom. Im looking to do good stuff but not really that expensive. Also im not sure if what i wrote at the bottom will work cause im manly used to small tanks I do have a 29 gallon tank. Oh and this tank will be manly for a Porcupine Puffer so that means it wont be a reef but it will have live rock.

~starfire 180gallon tank with built in overflow
~50 gallon sump about
~2 300w heaters
~Coralife Super Skimmer 225
~Floresent lighting or PCs
~powerheads not sure how much flow i need

Live filterization
~live sand not sure how many pounds about a 3"sand bed
~dead live rock(or what ever you want to call it) from reeferrocks 100 pounds
~100 pounds live rock

Fish not sure if all these work together but there just my thoughts for now
~Porcupine Puffer
~Some kind of clownfish pair
~Yaha Hase Goby
~black clown goby
~Flame Angel
~Regal Tang
~yellow Tang
~not really sure what else really anything that can go with the Porcupine Puffer and fit in this tank

~pistol shrimp
~cleaner shrimp?not sure if puffer will eat it
~Nassuass snails?hoping puffer wont eat it

Ok well i know that this isnt that detailed and im know im frogeting some equitment just not sure what. But anyways how does it sound can you give me any good advise. Also im not really sure on the fish or inverts since i need to reserch what can live with Porcupine Puffer but i thought i would post what i was thinking any ways. P.S. please dont yell at me if i picked horrible fish i havent reserched and it was just an idea i dont mind if you tell me it wont work but i am really posting this to get help with the tank equitment.

Thanks Puffer21
It sounds like you have a good idea of what is needed already. The 180 is a great size tank.

I would recommend a couple of vho's or maybe T'5s for lighting. Its not required by the fish so much, but the coralline will like it.

Fish don't need a lot of flow, but the do seem to appreciate it. Maybe a couple of maxi-stream mods. That gets you good flow and saves you a bunch of cash!

Don't buy live sand, its waste of money. IMO. Use what live rock you have to seed the baserock and sand. Get a nice white play sand, just a few dollars for a 40 or 50 lb bag. I would use just an inch or so, just for looks. 3" is not enough to be effective DSB and 5 or 6 just takes up too much space in the tank.

Hope this helps some!
Ya i wasent really going for deep sand bed but i thought 3 inches might be good. And ya y lighting would be low since i wont have anything that needs light. Oh and yes when i said live sand i might i would seed it not buy it live.