Third spawning of Banggai cardinals


New member
I finally spelled Banggai cardinals correctly. :spin2:

We just saw seven newly-released Banggai cardinals in the corner of our 90 gallon reef display. This makes the third time the male has released young in this tank. They always congregate in the same corner.

There is a mass of jagged coral rock in that area, where they can instantly disappear if the marine betta (comet) gets too close. The return from the sump pump blows water through that area. I set it up that way; when I want to feed bottom dwellers, I squirt food (or baby brine) in the intake of the sump; it blows food right to the waiting fry.

The first time we only saw three young, and all three survived. With the second spawn, we saw only one and it's still alive.

This time, we counted seven, the largest spawn yet.

This morning, the male's mouth was fully distended. This evening, the male's mouth is considerably less distended than it was this morning, but he still keeps it shut tightly and will not eat (poor guy! He's ALWAYS got egg/young in his mouth! I'm surprised he hasn't starved!)

I've read on this site it may take a week to expel all the young. Both parents are, I believe, full grown. I believe he has more young in his mouth.

Any ideas on how many more young will he expel?