this makes my skin crawl...

If I were you and my brisstle got up to 2 feet long, I would use it as fishing bait. Im sure you would catch something:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6898211#post6898211 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by XeniaMania
My gf said "I bet they'll eat those in China..we eat everything over there.."

lol, i'm chinese and i don't eat anything like that. wait I think you are too, lol

Hehe, try waking up in the middle of the night and walking over to your tank to find one of these.


Pulled this guy out at 2am in the morning awhile back. It was about 3-4 feet long.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6898673#post6898673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sps_addict


Pulled this guy out at 2am in the morning awhile back. It was about 3-4 feet long.

Ok you win.. .*shivers*
I've seen my YWG female EAT one. A small one, and she did have a rather surprised expression on her face, but dammit, it was in her mouth and she was gonna *finish* it.

I never saw her eat another one, though. :)

They don't like to sting you, they just can't help it. If you touch 'em, the bristles come off. I'm not sure they have brain enough to "like" to do anything.

I have a couple of monsters in my tank. I hardly ever see small ones anymore, I think the few big ones eat up all the food.
i pulled on outta my tank a few weeks ago by hand. i didnt know they they can be harmful, maybe next time ill use pliers. oh yeah nothing happed to me, but it was only 2"-3".
Isn't Fenner known for eating these things in the Philipines? I think I read it in one of his books.....see....good for growing boys....and it's published so it must be true ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6898673#post6898673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sps_addict
lol, i'm chinese and i don't eat anything like that. wait I think you are too, lol

Hehe, try waking up in the middle of the night and walking over to your tank to find one of these.


Pulled this guy out at 2am in the morning awhile back. It was about 3-4 feet long.

Yea I'm chinese too..:lol:
That's not a bristleworm though, that some other type of sea worm. Look at what big teeth your worm has tho...*shivers*
I can imagine all the ewwwing as the worm is drawn out of the tank.."look at this thing..ewwww" "look at how big it is ewww""how long is this thing? ewwww""what is the thing? eewwww""ewwwwwwwwwwww"
I had a dream a bout a bristle worm last night, but it was black and REALLY fast and it was swiming through the rocks and trying to get my hand :eek:, damn this thread :p
How do your bristle worms get so big!?!?! Mine are maybe an inch at MOST .. not that I want it bigger just curious ..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6903934#post6903934 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by XeniaMania
guys, I know girls do...:lol:
Again, I use the word typically, there are exceptions ;)

"Pulled this guy out at 2am in the morning awhile back. It was about 3-4 feet long."

Thank you very much.

I am now sufficiently creeped out, and will need serious tranquilizers and a flashlight before I pull the sponges for cleaning from the dark, bottomless pit compartments of my nano cube.

(who is now looking into submersible lighting for the stupid compartments)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6903934#post6903934 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by XeniaMania
guys, I know girls do...:lol:
Again, I use the word typically, there are exceptions ;)

lol, all of you are too funny
I have about 5 big bristle worms about that size, I've never had a problem with them and they've never eaten any corals of mine.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6904782#post6904782 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Nano-Nag
"Pulled this guy out at 2am in the morning awhile back. It was about 3-4 feet long."

Thank you very much.

I am now sufficiently creeped out, and will need serious tranquilizers and a flashlight before I pull the sponges for cleaning from the dark, bottomless pit compartments of my nano cube.

(who is now looking into submersible lighting for the stupid compartments)

Sorry Shay, didn't mean to creep you out. After finding that, it took me a few weeks before I had the guts to put my hand in the tank again. I tried using the forceps and gloves, but they don't work as good. The forceps don't have the grip strength to home heavy objects and the gloves were too bulky. But I see it as there are a lot of smaller things than that, that may be more dangerous. Hehe, like the bristle worms.
I pulled one of these from my tank last night. It was about 5" long. Used regular tongs. Those things are fast. Had to slowly lower the tong into the tank.