Thoughts on PolypLab products?


New member
Hey everybody. I was curious about people's experiences with PolypLab products...specifically the RF-Fuel, RF-Plus, and the Roids.

I typically lean on AV products for NaCO/Ca/Mg (as well as Fuel) and Reef Nutrition (with frozen and some dry) foods. Overall, good results, but I always want them to be better, and want to diversify supplementation.

Who is using these products and what have your experiences been? I'm about to order a few things and give them a spin, but would love to read other people's thoughts before I get too excited. Thanks.
I use reef roids and honestly, cant notice to big a difference, my zoas and acans have been growing fast though. I dont know if its from the roids. Ive heard about people who have used roids and there coral actually died. Soo idk i think there pretty cool but too expensive

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I use reef roids and honestly, cant notice to big a difference, my zoas and acans have been growing fast though. I dont know if its from the roids. Ive heard about people who have used roids and there coral actually died. Soo idk i think there pretty cool but too expensive

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I would say that on my scale of interest, Roids would be at the bottom. Some of the other supplements look intriguing, but then digging deeper, some of it looks like the same ol' with a few $$$ tacked on. Having said that, the difference between good and great in reefs is often something minor.

Just reading through their info on their site, which of course looks good. The RF-Fuel definitely has my attention.
I honestly think too that you shouldnt really need to supliment your reef but just let it grow and stabilize by itself

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With most/all products like that there are those that don't notice any difference from their use and others that swear they are the best thing since sliced bread.. Lots of variables at play in our systems..
All you can do is try it for yourself...
I honestly think too that you shouldnt really need to supliment your reef but just let it grow and stabilize by itself

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If you're feeding well, then (in theory) you shouldn't.

However, once you throw skimmers, carbon, GFO, ion resins, etc into the mix, you don't really have a whole lot of control of what is being removed. Pretty hard to replicate in a closed-system the relative constant and stable supplies of ______ (pick anything) that are found in reef ecosystems.

(e.g. pigments...we're dealing with a bunch of molecules comprised of AAs, glycoproteins, etc. In other words, a bunch of stuff out filtration is constantly pulling out)

Especially once the coral/invert loaf in the tank gets really high.
I use reef roids and honestly, cant notice to big a difference, my zoas and acans have been growing fast though. I dont know if its from the roids. Ive heard about people who have used roids and there coral actually died. Soo idk i think there pretty cool but too expensive

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my hammer shriveled when I was using roids
I hate that I can’t edit my posts.

*Load, not loaf

I ordered a some RF Plus and Plus. Going to try them in an SPS-heavy system that has water that’s maybe a little too ‘clean’. Growth is good, not great. Pigmentation is good but not spectacular. I’ll report back on results, if any.