Hi guys, This maybe a controversial topic for many. as it is in the Zoanthid Forums When other members mention the fact that that particular 500 dollar polyp *exaggeration* is just a morph of a common zoanthid they are use to seeing all the time.
Now given the fact that many corals DO morph colors. what ARE the baseline ricordea florida colors?
I know there is Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow. (ive once seen a red and blue rimmed ric on ebay once. )
But how long do these colors last under a single light source say T5HO given its an even amount of light everywhere. i dont mention Metal halide for the sole reason that if you mvoe up and down side to side rics will change color morphs. any thoughts?
Now given the fact that many corals DO morph colors. what ARE the baseline ricordea florida colors?
I know there is Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow. (ive once seen a red and blue rimmed ric on ebay once. )
But how long do these colors last under a single light source say T5HO given its an even amount of light everywhere. i dont mention Metal halide for the sole reason that if you mvoe up and down side to side rics will change color morphs. any thoughts?