Three 6045 vs one 6045 and one 6055


Right now I have one 6045 and one 6055 in my 90g. And I am having a really hard time getting a flow that doesn't kick up the sand all over, but still kicks up the detritus off the sand.

I just don't know how 3 smaller pumps will be, like if it will be even more headache controlling 3 flow streams.
Wasn't sure where else to post this question.

That will likely be very tricky if the sand is fine, I don't think this is an issue of pump model so much as placement and position and the size of the detritus and the size of the sand, trying to sweep a tang turd off of sugarsand without disturbing the sand bed will be virtually impossible, some fine dust from various boring worms on 2-3mm sand is more easily accomplished. In general the best solution will be a nano wavebox to lift and suspend fine detritus into the water column where the pumps you have can sweep it away.
My sand is what I would say normal, I see it in almost everyones tank.
I can place my 6045 almost anywhere but directly pointing at the sand and it will not kick it up, but the 6055 is impossible to place without creating dunes, I can place it so the dunes form slower, but still 4-5 days and I am bare bottom in a spot.

I'll look into the wavebox, but if it makes a wave at the top of the tank I will have spillage for sure.
You could lower the voltage of the power supply on the 6055 to reduce the flow as needed.

Yes, you would need at least 1" from the water line to the top of the tank for a nano wavebox to be a feasible option.