Three mouths... now what?


In Memoriam
Hello everyone! I noticed that my florida ricordia shroom now has three mouths! which is weird, because i had never seen them before about 4 or 5 days ago. They appeared fast! So.. now that the same shroom has 3 mouths, is it a pretty sure thing that it will split to form 3 different shrooms? Should i help it along by slicing between the mouths? Thanks!
There's no guarantee it will split any time soon Sometimes it can take a very long time for it to decide it wants to split, regardless of the number of mouths it has. If you don't want to cut it, you can probably help it along a little by feeding it once a week, or, if possible, try to get it to attach to a second rock (or split the one its on) and slowly seperate them.

I'm in the process of splitting one with the rock method as we speak. It looks like it may actually split into three if I keep doing it that way. I'm not sure if I'll be that patient though, since I have a pair of soft coral prop scissors coming.
I've got an orange with blue that has 7 mouths, it started with 2 about 1.5 years ago. When I get it into my new 40g, I'll give it a few more months before I take a razor to it. I haven't been feeding the tank (no fish) for about 3 months now, only one new mouth in that time.

It's about 7" long, 2" wide at the rounded sides and it spends most of it's time cupped up toward the light now (bulbs need to be changed I think) and stands about 3 1/2 to 4" tall when it is doing that.

Once I get it moved to a better picture taking spot, I'll see about getting a shot of it from the top down for you.