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...or so I think she should be called at least!


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Hi Luis, she's about the size of a quarter, maybe a little bigger. Also took this cool one today at one of our LFS's.

Here's one more of the box fish, they're different ones, I just am too lazy to look up species names!


Click my website and go to local tanks and lfs shots, dendros, mesoscope, etc..
beautiful shots, I especially like the clarity on the eyes on the second boxfish!

and boxfishes are soooo cute, it's always a pleasure to see some!
(I think both are Ostracion Cubicus, with different color morph)

thanks for sharing!
Anyone ever own a boxfish? Wondering about care and such for them..I doubt I'll buy one, but, these dang things are so bewitching!

Hey Marc, good to hear from you. Saw your latest on Casper and mate, sorry to hear.
Yep, he's a shortfin fuzzy dwarf lionfish, dendrochirus brachypterus. He's mesmerizing to watch. Won't get bigger than about 4".

Here's a couple shots from yesterday from a local shop.

Amy, I don't see your latest pictures.

I saw a beautiful scorpion or angler fish at the LFS last month that was only $239. :rolleyes:

Marc, that's an awesome fish! Do you know people keeping them down there?

You can't see my fish and clam pics posted? Let me know, I'm not sure what might be broken.

Here's one, not great quality, but I love it anyways. Just ask if you don't know what it is!

And here is one of my dwarf lion - this shot surprised me with the colors and lighting, I basically sharpened it a bit, and otherwise it is wysiwyg, so even though it looks very PS'd, it isn't.

Yes, I now see four pictures in the final post. In FireFox, we don't see the red X if a picture doesn't display. It is as if it never existed, so had you not said you were posting pictures, I never would have known.

I don't know much about Scorpionfish, but that one was beautiful. The price tag was noteworthy as well.

I'd love to get a dwarf lion like a Fu-Man-Chu (sp?) but I've never had a suitable tank to make it an option.