Thumbs up for wavebox


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Wow this thing is cool even with my 2x6200's and 3x6100's it still provide very nice movement

Here is a short vid of my 180 with 141x + the wave box. Sorry vid quality kinda sucks and colors are off. Thats what you get from a 400 dollar digi cam

Thanks Guys I will make another and I won't let my software do the movie. Straight from camera to photobucket :D
Was refering to Ti's famous post! Justan inside joke with offense to anyone...

clkwrk...hey man I'm your friend...I'm not out to get ya,,,,,just because we disagree a little on the red bugs...its all good...

You have an awsome acro tank, and I sure can resepct you for that accomplishment...

Thanks Pitstop and Fishguy.

Here is 1 of 3 more vids from last night.

This is wave box only and was cut short because I forgot to clear my memory stick prior.

2 of 3
It's about time you added the W.B. You should try feeding your fish by dumping what you are going to feed into the box. This is a cool was to feed and not much gets into the overflows.
fishypets- :D

Thanks Charlie!

Fishguy thank you and yes thats one of our parrots.

Here is a vid with the wavebox and all streams ..Notice the wave box still doing it thing.

You mean you have parrots to ol' buddy...?

I knew I liked you for some reason!

We breed parrots as a second hobby...we have 70 of them!!!!! Macaws, greys, amazons, conures, etc etc., you name we've probably got it....

Glad parrots don't get red bugs....LOL...LOL


here is a full tank shot which shows my colors . My camera has lousy video settings and I can only get the right color with the camera settings.


I had heard that wave boxes help eliminate dead spots behind rocks, etc. Do you feel that your does just that ? IE: Gets water motion back into the nooks and crannies of your rockwork and corals ?