Time for a change


New member
I've been reading a ton of good reviews on the AF product line, so I figured why not. I'm going to start the product line this weekend.

I'll make some updates along the way for others who might be interested.

You have my attention. What products were you using before? What changes are you looking for? What are you final goals?
Hook ,line and sinker. Lol
Good luck man. Very interested in your results.
Not sure if you have tried any of the zeo type systems but it takes at least 2 days to see results of any kind. Normally only bad things happen that fast though. If you see a rapid lightening in coral colors stop everything until colors come back. Days or months.
I wasn't using all that much before. TMP salt, Acropower from time to time and RedSea coral colors a few times per week and a small amount of carbon and gfo. My growth on sps is great right now, just want to see if colors get richer/deeper with the use of this product. Unless I see negative results I plan on giving it at least three months.

Yeah Robthorn, the plan is to start with 50% of the recommended dosing amount. I agree, it seems the people who went in full blast had troubles. Like any thing else in regards to our tanks it's best to take sit slow. I'm going to start with the probiotic part of the system this weekend and wait about two weeks before adding the supps/nutrition.
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Yeah Bryan,
Good plan using quality products!
Will be standing by to watch the progress, let me know if I can help in any way!
Yeah Bryan,
Good plan using quality products!
Will be standing by to watch the progress, let me know if I can help in any way!

Thanks Perry, you have been a big help so far, appreciate it. Your tank thread was the final straw to make me pull the trigger on this system.
This upcoming Sunday will be two weeks worth of dosing. I started off with the salt and 50% of the recommended amount of np pro, pro bio s as well as the media, carbon, po4 minus and zerolites.

Starting levels:
Po4- .06

No3- 0
Po4- .006

I'm going to start dosing 50% of the coral supplements tomorrow.
This upcoming Sunday will be two weeks worth of dosing. I started off with the salt and 50% of the recommended amount of np pro, pro bio s as well as the media, carbon, po4 minus and zerolites.

Starting levels:
Po4- .06

No3- 0
Po4- .006

I'm going to start dosing 50% of the coral supplements tomorrow.

Sweet, looking forward to your progress!
I know it's only been a couple weeks but have you seen any difference in growth/color?

I think it's to early to say. I've only done two water changes and I just started dosing very small amounts of the coral supplements yesterday. I think after a few weeks of dosing the supplements I'll be able to make a better judgement.
Nice tank Bryan, I like to stop by to see about new updates, that is a heck of a lot of products, lol... If you use facebook, go to the Aquaforest Group forum, you can be added to the page, useful info daily on that page.
Nice tank Bryan, I like to stop by to see about new updates, that is a heck of a lot of products, lol... If you use facebook, go to the Aquaforest Group forum, you can be added to the page, useful info daily on that page.

Thanks Perry. Just joined the group. Reading some of the past posts now.