Time for Membership renewals!!!


New member
Yep it is that time of year (for most anyway).

Everyone, we are in the process of pulling all the current memberships and sending new cards to "everyone" that is a current member.

If you have not renewed your membership within the last year, now is the time to do so. We will be sending out "replacement" cards to all active members "before the end of October" every active member will have a new up to date card. This will incorporate a new picture and your expiration date will appear on the new card. The new card will also be sent to our local shops as well for the sponsers.

If you do not recieve a new card by the end of october then we do not show you as a paid member.

If your current membership is not active(If you have not paid dues in the last 12 months then please, just go to the website and up your membership, or you can pay at the October meeting). (venue will be listed before the weekend)

We encourage everyone to keep there membership active. If you have paid your dues within the last couple of months or at the frag swap you will recieve a new replacement card as well.

Watch for upcoming information on the October meeting!!

We just had our most successful swap ever and it is through our memberships that we are able to do this type of thing, everyone that attended the swap and left an e-mail address will recieve a questionaire in the next few days, please fill this out and send back to us. We want to know.


Bill Hampton
Current President of WTMRAC
i have 25 now....and this makes 26 !!!! someone ask me some non 4 - sale related questions so i can get to 50......got any plumbing questions.....lmao