Fishy 1
The Reefer From Downunder
Hey everyone :wave: I'm about to aquascape my nano and was thinking that it would be great to have a thread for new nano reefers to learn how to get that "killer scape:uzi:" in their nano's. And a thread so new nano keepers can ask questions about aquascaping, placing corals for max impact etc etc. How do you get a WOW impact from a nano's scape, and as i'm sure you guys know that to make a nano sucsesful the scape needs to work. I'm interested in how you go about getting that "killer scape", like what are the steps in the planning.
1. Planning your design.
2. selecting your rocks.
3. How to get the rock to say the way you want it.
4. How to make sure you have no dead spots in your tank.
5. Maintaining your aquascape (keeping the rock healthy by blasting etc).
6. How to use corals to make a scape POP.
and things like that
I would like this thread to be a place where new nano keepers can ask questions and people that have gone through aquascaping nano's can tell us what they think goes into making a "killer scape", and what worked and what failed so we can all learn.
So let questions and experiences flow forth:dance:
1. Planning your design.
2. selecting your rocks.
3. How to get the rock to say the way you want it.
4. How to make sure you have no dead spots in your tank.
5. Maintaining your aquascape (keeping the rock healthy by blasting etc).
6. How to use corals to make a scape POP.
and things like that
I would like this thread to be a place where new nano keepers can ask questions and people that have gone through aquascaping nano's can tell us what they think goes into making a "killer scape", and what worked and what failed so we can all learn.
So let questions and experiences flow forth:dance: