tired of aptasia:mad2:


New member
well i got fed up today , and what better to do than pull the 90 gal tank apart fill a 30 gal tub full of hot fresh water and put all the rock covered in aptasia in it. out of around 200 lbs of rock only the covered 10% was clean any corals that had some aptasia on the were manualy cleaned of it , some pics will be posted of the outcome, ohh yeah still no signs of the recent $200 worth of fish that went missing , no bones found nothing within a 2 ft area around the tank, wonder where they went
I feel your pain. I soaked several pieces in boiling water and got rid of it but, it came back in about 6 months. I am considering using this rock in a tank where I can house several butterfly fish that can keep it under control.
I eventually had to take all my rock and sit it out to dry in the hot summer sun for days... everything was dead of course, including the encrusting algae, tube worms, sponges.... and aiptasia... I think!

It's been a slow road back to getting the tank going. And I tried 3 brands of chemicals to remove them, tried squirting boiling water on them, tried a variety of biological predators... they kept coming back.
Hot Kalk injection has worked for me in the past. None of the aptasia polyps came back, BUT, the calcium nukes anything within range. Luckily when I did this I had no corals.
ive done it all !!! except the nudibranchs , i did this with darlenes 20 gal and its free of them buggers...still working on not being lazy and taking a pic or 2. also from what ive been told by a person with first hand exp. that with fish in the tank the nudi's will not come out and eat the aptasia you actualy have to put the rock in a tub with them , and cover it to keep it dark then they will eat it + i dont want to drop 16.99 a piece or the 70 bucks for 2 adults and 1 juvi plus the 40 or so to ship them. and they die when thier food source is gone so no aptasia = no nudi's = your out a bunch of $ id rather recycle the rock
Berghia are the only fool proof method. It's worked for me a number of times. It takes a few months to see a difference, then you notice you've got an Aip shortage. They do die off when the food source is gone, but Aip's seem to stay gone longer (unless talking the tank with 100 Pepps and ~100 pounds of rock for 6 months with no food-that rock has stayed pretty clean, too). 6-10 per 100 gallons will knock them out fairly quickly, but fewer will work, too (just longer for results). At $15 per, it's a lot less trouble to me (I'm lazy;) than breaking down a tank and trying to remove. Several people locally seem to have them breeding in their tanks, noticing them when the Aip's start disappearing. They sell or trade for usually better than $15 per when they have some available.

Peppermints have also worked very well for me, but only in tanks I never feed. If they have another food source, they becoming entitled little bastigdes.
I tried pepperment shrimp (nope), the kalk killers like joes and the other by aqua blue (great, but gotta keep ahead of them), CBB (GREAT! Solong as other fish don't kill them). cooking should work. nudis were had by a Humbolt Dave a while back. I believe he released them in his tank and never saw them again. the aptasia were untouched.
I used Joes Juice a few months back and it worked great on the 3 that I had. I found I have 1 on a bubble coral that I dont want to use the juice on so I bought 2 pepperment shrimp over the weekend. Hopefully they will find them, I'll post the results in a week or 2.
well heres what is left , not a whole lot most of the smaller sps that i have went into darlenes tank for recovery all the larger stuff and the corals that i wasnt sure of getting all the aptasia off is in the 90 , i have a whole 4 fish alive a royal gama about 2 years old a yellow watchman ive had for a few months and 2 yellow tail damsels ive had for a few months , on the disapeared list i have 1 sailfin tang , 1 green manderin , 1 mimic tang , 1 midas blenny , and 2 anthenias

here is a full tank shot

here is the rock thats soaking a a tub with ro/di and a cup of bleach

i rinsed the rock today with hot water and filled the tub back up with ro/di and a cup of bleach , im going to let it soak for a day or 2 , then ill give it a good rinse and a 100% waterchange with dechlorinator , after that ill repeat the change and add more dechlorinator , and let it soak another couple days.

next step is to fill the tub with new saltwater add a heater and a maxijetand biospira to seed the rock , ill cook the rock for a couple weeks and let the bacteria take hold changinf water every few days