tissues every regain on dead part?


New member
My tank crashed like 3 weeks ago and I still have have this two pieces. The plana bottom side is where is it all dead. It have been 3 weeks so if it was going to go then it would have...should I frag the good part off? What should I do with the base? Bottom dead, top still have tissue and mild poly extention.

This S.B. tort probably not going to make it but the upper side does still have tissue and part of the base

Or, let everything alone and see where is goes?
I personally have never experienced new growth over dead branches.

The first piece is a frag candidate, if for no other reason than to increase your chancefor survival of the genes. The 2nd piece you are just gonna have to ride out. Good luck!
ive got a tenuis that is encrusting over dead branches, and ive got a chips acro that half rtn'd on me but has healed completely over the dead parts and is encrusting more at the base. i think messing with it might kill it, but its your decision
I have a valida and an aculeus that are growing quite enthusiastically downward over their attachment to the plug. This might indicate they can reoccupy dead clean coral, more readily, I would think, than superglue. Also I have had the flesh knocked off two branch tips of a pocillipora damicornis, and in about 6 weeks it is indistinguishable from the original. Massive erosion, I'd frag, but minimal---I'd set it up near the glass, watch it closely for progress/regression and decide later.
the tenuis is actually growing over hair algae and crowding it out, so it can even occupy not clean coral skeleton. just as if it were encrusting at its base. in my experience they encrust much faster than they grow, which i attribute to not having to create a skeleton.
Yes, definatly! just like a frag will grow over its base. very often coral will grow over its base. if, your alk drops quickly the base of a coral colony is the first to show it! (been my experiance)