To frag or not to frag...


New member
I have an acro that has STN. So far the necrosis has stayed within the boundaries of the dark side of the coral - and has not progressed into the part that receives direct light. The coral is otherwise healthy and has been growing well for 18 mo. I read in a couple posts that people had acros with STN on the dark side and it stayed on the dark side and did not kill the coral. Has anyone had experience with this? I have a pretty good place to cut the coral now and keep the entire base - but if I wait much longer it is going to be trickier. And I don't want to cut it if it is going to stay localized on the dark side. This is the first coral I got and it has thrived - so I really don't want to lose it.

Any advice from people with experience with this kind of thing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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I had similar issues with my gaff bonsai, some stn that stabilized over time. I have also superglued the STN areas as well. can't tell you if it helped but I felt better afterwards :>
I am by no means an experienced sps keeper but if it was in my tank I would hedge my bets and frag it - i've lost too may corals by adopting the 'wait and see approach' so I would cut off the piece just above the base and frag it up and stick on frag plugs. You will still have the encrusted part which will most likely heal and continue to grow in place and you will have a few frags on plugs as well.
I had something similar happen recently. I will tag along for advice. - I did frag two small pieces. One went to another area and the other went into another tank.