Toadstool retracted


New member
I have a large toadstool that normally looks like this:


I run a cannisger filter for chemical filtration: chemipure and rowaphos. I rinsed out the filter and added a bag or purigen into the mix.

Since then, the toadstool retracted all of its feelers.

Is this something temporary or should I be more concerned?
have you tried going back to the previous media makeup to see if that's the immediate issue? maybe it doesn't like the purigen although i've never heard them react to it like that but i have seen them react to other substances similar to what you described.

very pretty sarco btw. do you have a pic of it retracted as you describe now?
I just added the purigen less than an hour ago. I don't have a pick, camera batteries are dead. I am currenlty recharging them.

It looks like is I have seen it sometimes when the lights go off, or if I have bumped it while cleaning.

I had never heard of any negatives related to purigen before. The only other thing is that I fed zooplex about 15 minutes after retarting the filter. All my other corals (both of them - bubble and xenia are doing fine). My anemone also has shown no negative signs.
different corals will have different reactions/sensitivity, even among sarcos. one may retract due to something while another may not even react at all (happens often in my tanks).

could be the zooplex, i'd let it be for a day. if it's still retracted then i'd switch back to what was working for you (chemipure etc.) but maybe add more carbon to the mix or in separately and give it another day or so.

i'd also hold off on the zooplex (if it's a new thing you're doing). if it's something you've always done, then i would continue.
nice to hear it's back to normal. if you get the chance, i'd love to see the sarco retracted too! when they're all bushy, they look alike. but when they retract, you have a chance at least to tell them apart. just curious.

btw, i meant to say "purigen" in my 2nd paragraph instead of "zooplex" twice. sorry if i confused you, i confused myself when i re-read it today. i really shouldn't post at nighttime. :p
Here are a couple of pics of it retracted:



The stuff along the bottom is algae growth.

Any specifics you could give me on it would be appreciated. It was sold as a toadstool, no specifics.

very pretty! they're not just pretty to me when they're expanded.

looks interesting, i like the distinct two-tones, stalk and cap. i've seen sarcophyton cornispiculatum that look similar (but the caps are usually thicker at the edge).
Does everyone keep there toadstools on the sand I just bought a 8-10in green toadstool and I was wanting to put it about half way up inh the tank. I have 250W DE halides, so is that to much light for these or ?????
I keep mine on my LR, about 1/3 of the way from the top. But I have VHO, so I cannot speak to whether 250w MH will be too much. I suppose the standard "start low & gradually move up" advise would apply to toadstools as well. Too much change in intensity at one time would probably be not well received.
I positioned it to the far side of the tank about a 1/3 from the top, so hopefully not being in the middle will reduce the amount of light it is getting.

At the LFS they had it under 400WMH, but they are like2.5 feet off the tank.

I'll let it be for today and tomorrow and see how it reacts.

Any other advice would be apprciated!!