Too many livestock,please help

My appology Swan,

Shall it be young lady then? lol

You did such a good job explaining it, don't think that i could have eplained it that well.

Excellent, we all agree on a plan of action, now wheres raypadro?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6454364#post6454364 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Swanwillow
I dunno, ran away cause so many people actually agreed for once on the same topic?

lol...better mark it down mods, a debate that ended in
Thanks guys,by the way I do have some fish before ad all this.
1 cinamon clown(med)
2 damsels(small)
2 (don't now name)a friend tell me some kind of cleaners.

Also what you think is a dangerous level in amonia that a really need another water change.Really apreciate your interest cause
don't know much,Ray.
oh no... not cleaner wrasses.

but, thats another topic (they don't do well in fish tanks)

is that a complete list? you said 7, and thats only 5...

and you'll get differing ideas on how much ammonia is too much. I say .5, others will say 1 or 2...

either way, you now have a HUGE bioload in the system, and are probably going to loose the cleaning type fish, I THINK that if they aren't able to clean other fish, that they are planktivores (I can be wrong on that point) and need to eat often...

so, do water changes... often.
test daily for ammonia and nitrITES, post the reasing here and we can tell ya if its getting better or worse. and don't lie, cause I'm sure sooner or later someone with a bug in thier shorts will come here to this thread and start bashing you for having so many fish in so short a time in such a small tank (just a warning, its gonna happen)

and, just *TRY* to keep your ammonia level down below 1 I think that right now, your going to have one heck of a time doing just that!!!

good luck!
On YA Swan great advice for the Newbie, yeah don't worry about any bashers joining the tread, just focus on the task at hand.

Remember your tank won't fix over night, it may take some time, so be patient and you will get results.
That's what I have before ad the other fish
3 royal gramas
2 gobys
1 angel(a dark blue)
1(don't know name)

All fish are small to medium,for now everything looks fine but i'll
test again tomorrow and let you know.Again thanks,Ray.
well, consider yourself WAY over stocked...

try to find more people in the area to take AT LEAST HALF of the fish.

your ammonia, if left to spike, would probably hit 10+, and kill any and everything in the tank.

so, where are ya located? go down to the group forums down at the bottom of the forums page. find people in your area. spread the fish out, and keep a list of whats going where.

tell your friend to get his tank fixed ASAP!!!

and I think your about to loose a lot of fish, I'm sorry to say. the angel will be first to go, then the cleaners. after that, I don't know whats going to happen.

I'd be doing 10% water changes 2x a day. seriously. thats 6 gallons of water at a shot... you may have a chance to save the hardier gobies and clownfish that way.
Yeah tell your friend to get of their butt! and fix their own tank! yours is in major trouble!

You NEED to get some of those fish OUTTA there!

Do you have any other tanks?
Hello guys,first I'm from Puerto Rico and new to hobby so don't
know other people with tanks that I can put some fishes.The tank of my friend is broken(glass)and tell me he don't have the money right now to buy a new tank(you now christmas time is very expensive)

I test again this morning and:

amonia .25
nitrites .25
nitrates 10
PH 8.1-8.3

All fish still alive and looking good.
Is this a good time to perform another water change or did a wait a little bit to see how the sistem reacts?

Thanks a lot everybody specialy to Skepperz and Swanwillow.
I would perform a water change. The water should be been ready for at least 48 hours before putting in the tank. But in an emergency???

Are the test kits good? Can you verify that the test results you are getting are correct? If they are I would keep up with the water changes. That is the only way you are gong to keep the ammonia down as low as possible.


Well once we worked it all out you had to go and through a wrnech in the whole thing with 5 other fish...LOL.... Yeah do what Swan and skepperz are telling ya. I would start with getting rid of the damsels and ones you don't know the names of. Damsels are very aggressive and will pester the other to death and any fish you don't knows name your probably gonna kill due to not knowing how to care for it. Just my 2 cents... Happy reefing

and I'm fairly sure theres others on here from peurto rico... lemme go look...

ok, so far I have found someone that goes by the names on here of 20reefer


find them, on here... pm them. that link under thier names go directly to thier profile. hopefully they can help ya out!!!

and I agree, right now you may want to think of which fish are better... and damnsels are VERY LOW on the list of what you want to keep. I'm now considering this a long-term thing of them being in your tank.

you can do water changes as soon as all the salt is dissipated, techincally... been there, done that, more often than thought. The general instructions I've been given on water changes is well airated for 24 hours prior to water changes, but this IS an emergency type thing, so go ahead and mix... lots, and often...

thats gonna be key: lots and often... specially since the tank is only 2 months old.
All still agreeing, it is the right\best plan of action.

Keep lottsa that saltwater mixed up ready to use when you need it.