Too much light for rics?


New member
I am currently designing my 29gal display and Im thinking of using 175w of 14k MH as my lighting system. Would this be too much light for rics? I want to disperse many different morphs of rics around my sand bed. Would they do ok, and possibly not open all the way, or am I gonna have some real problems?
I think it's going to depend on how well you acclimate them to the lighting. I have all of mine (mostly Yuma's, one Florida) under 250W MH w/200W of VHO lighting half-way up the tank and they have been there for years. So I think it's plenty possible, especially if you keep them on the sandbed.
how long should I take to acclimate them to the lighintg? over a weeks period of time? and use layering of window screen to diffuse light?
That light will work perfectly for florida ricordia, its not too much. Follow the advice blaze gave, window screen will work so will raising the light so will eggcrate. I would go for longer than a week.