Too much Water Flow?


New member
i have two powerheads for circulations in my tank right now. since it's a 30 gallon tank, i figure, enough circulation would be aroudn 300 gph. so on the right side around the middle i stuck a penguin 1140 (300 gph) powerhead. Though my xenias are on the bottom of the tank, they seem to really hate the water flow. Well, i just got a small stalk last night, so im guessing that they will get used to the waterflow. Will they? I also think that the flowerpot on the bottom looks better without the strong waterflow. its buds open up more and it moves freely. I just have the powerhead on because i know the Monticap likes the water flow. any suggestions?
I think a single powerhead in a 30 gallon tank will provide rather dismal flow. I'd use at least 2, preferably four, and arrange the flow in the tank, and the rockwork, to provide slower conditions for those corals that don;t want the velocity.