Top Feed skimmers

Re: Top Feed skimmers

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
Anyone using one? your comments please.
lost - too many beers befor4e the post?

Care to help me out with the explanation ?:(
Re: Re: Top Feed skimmers

Re: Re: Top Feed skimmers

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11639198#post11639198 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
lost - too many beers befor4e the post?

Care to help me out with the explanation ?:(
Cono man, there's a dual wall collection cup and the waste comes up from the same hole you send water in. This is new technology gasmano :D
Is there a different term than "top feed" skmmer? Google turns up nuthin'. Give us a pic, link or something.
I think you mean a revolution skimmer, this are the newest designs from Germany, My thoughts are that it is a better designed skimmer way more efficient but it is still too expensive, this one in the pic is $5300.
Definitely has potential but not for me not for now. I will check on them when either Manny starts copying them or an American Company starts making them.

dont forget ATB as well .... I would expect the chino's to start making knockoffs soon.... The Chino BM knockoffs are already available and are of better design than the BM skimmers....

Anyway , this design looks to be very efficient. More than a few Bubble King owners have moved to this type of skimmer.