Top/water change bucket.


New member
Usually use 5 gallon buckets for water changes on my 90. Going to start using an RO/DI system and set up a big bucket for auto top off. Which 20 gallon bucket is safest to use? Thanks for your time
I use a 35 gallon brute and have not had any issues. I don’t let the freshly made salt water sit in it for an extended period of time though. Usually 24 hours at the absolute max
I use a 35 gallon brute and have not had any issues. I don’t let the freshly made salt water sit in it for an extended period of time though. Usually 24 hours at the absolute max

That's OK but there's really no reason you can't keep salt water around for extended periods of time.
I use 3 of the 32Gal Rubbermaid Brute cans for my 90G setup 1 for RODI, 1 for salt mixing, and 1 for draining water for the water change. All are on their wheel dollies to make them easier to roll around.
20G gray brute in the garage.
With a uniseal/valve near the bottom to drain it into my 5 gallon buckets so I can carry it into the house 5g at a time.
Brute. They were made for aquarium water changes. That's the whole reason they even started to make them, it wasn't for waste or trash. :D :D :) Hehe, just kidding. Yup, Brute works great! :)
Brute. Had a cheap 35 gal container and it started collapsing on itself. Brutes arent cheap but they work.
I use a 60g container I got from one of the local fish stores in Toronto.

I use a 55g brute with a float valve set up at 50g. I just fill it up, dump in a whole bag of salt and turn on the mag18 for an hour or so to mix it. I also have an air pump running that draws air from outside the garage to aerate the salt mix. So easy. Wish I had done it earlier.


The wheels that they sell at Home depot for the 32 gallon brutes work well also. My RODI is hooked up outside to a brute with a float valve/shut off. I use another one for salt mixing in the fish room so the temp is right. Have a separate one that I use for water change waste. Works well, and the wheels are a wonderful help.