Topdown pics of zoas..


In Memoriam
I did a 10% water change last night and decided to take some top down pics while the powerheads were shut so here they are.. not the best pics I know.. :)







Marvin your pictures always admaze me. Or it might just be the zoas. Either way your tanks is awesome. Can we get a full tank shot so that we can see the new 75 up and running. ben
I'll take one of each. You got 2 days to frag! :lol:

For me top down pics always turn out better than the side shots. Great collection!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6764074#post6764074 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chemguy85
Marvin your pictures always admaze me. Or it might just be the zoas. Either way your tanks is awesome. Can we get a full tank shot so that we can see the new 75 up and running. ben

Hi Ben.. will have full tank shots when I get back from vacation.. :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6767557#post6767557 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kellierick
Wow, very nice. Do you run carbon or any type of phospate remover?

Hello.. I actually bought a phosban reactor but ended up returning it since I didn't think I need it, for now anyway.. ;)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6787932#post6787932 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Vetter1980
Much easier in a 75 then a 55 right Marv.

LoLz.. amen to that.. the extra depth really gives you room to do a lot more with aquascaping... :)

To everyone else that responded, thanks for the kudos and I'll chat with you guys when I get back...

I'll have my optometrist send you the bill for the contacts I now need. In the first picture, the greens toward the top nearly blinded me with their beauty. I am suing you...;)
Oooooooooooh nice, makes me want to get a zoo structure back up in my tank couple questions

In the first pic near the center (lower right part) there seems to be one that looks white with a very light bluish center? Is that just an over exposure?

Next, what's that blasto doing in there? (2nd to last pic) ;)