"Topic of the Week" input bank


New member
I wanted to start this thread as a bank for the "Topic of the Week" idea suggested by Mucho.


I thought it would be better to post your topics here versus on his thread so that we can keep Mucho's face lift idea alive. So to start things off feel free to leave your questions, ideas, and theroies that may help to spawn a good Q & A debate in this forum. Here are some that I have thought of.

Do zoas grow faster if they compete against other zoas?

Is the impact of Ebay on this hobby good or bad for Zoa collectors? This is a big topic so it could be broken down.

Should there be a picture taking standard that would allows for buyers to see exactly what they are getting? If so then how can the casual trader take these photos? (example: supplying a flash photo next to a non flash photo)

Just a start.
One question I have that I would like to be discussed is if you put different zoo colonies right next to each other on the same rock will one eventually over-run and kill the other?
i put this one in the other thread before this was ready but how about a nice calm topic about "how much flow does a zoa tank need?" i believe you can not have enough.

Feeding of zoanthids, varieties that seem to react to food vs. not react to food.

I'll second mummra's water flow thread.

Zoanthid competition - faster spreading if closer? Alleopathic concerns? Will one kind `win'?

What have you done that seemed to impact the health [or color] of your zoanthids the most?

Finding the right place for your new zoanthids - can you `guestimate' where to put a new frag, and how?

Just throwing out ideas :)
Not sure if this question would be enough for a thread of the week but.....

Is it neccesary to acclimate zoos?

Reason for my question isn't because i want to be lazy but out of curiosity. Does the drip method really help the zoos? Or is it enough to just float them?

-Are the closed polyps effected greatly by the change in water conditions or do they only feel the change in parameters when they expand?

-Do closed zoos contain water from the old tank and only when they open up take in water, thus making the transition period obsolete because the zoos never expand?
What about...shipment in water versus shipment in wet paper towels...which has proven to be more successful?
How about "who has the nicest pics!?" :lmao: jk

How about zoanthid vs. sps tanks, can sps be kept successfully with a large population of zoas?
Zoa propogation, best techniques?
Also, similarly to growing plants, do zoa colonies need to be trimmed back to promote growth?
I can keep going, but someone esle chime in.
Here is my question.

Is their any correlation between the color of a zoo and how much light it need?

Rodney Hood
Along those same lines...we could talk about zoa placement in the tank and what it does to coloration. One of mine looks pretty different when kept in the top versus when kept on the sand.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6683674#post6683674 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reef Junkie

How about zoanthid vs. sps tanks, can sps be kept successfully with a large population of zoas


How about ways to impede growth of 'weedy' zoas from overgrowing prize zoas short of fragging?
How many/which zoas create different morphs at different lighting levels (essentially the same as what you mentioned, Mel)?
Which other corals get along with zoas and which don't and on what scale, etc? Who wins which battle?
How about identifications between the different speices?

What makes a zoa a zoa, parazoanthid, paly or protopaly.