TOTM August


New member
After reading many TOMs I could only think that a tank would not be able to do well without lots and lots of HQI lighting. I once saw a tank with 6 times 250 Watt HQI. Which is 1500 Watt only for lighting.

Now this August-tank looks awful great and if I understand the language well, there is yet no single HQI light in use.
This means, that by only using normal tubes (in Europe callend TL) you can create a most beautifull tank.

Are there people who have experience with normal tube-lighting instead of HQI. Please let me know.

Greating Michel Dieleman (Holland)
I agree. I have seen this tank in person and it is definitely a work of art. When is it going to be on the home page for everybody to see?
Mucho, thanks so much for sharing your great reef tank with us. I was just wondering what type of camera you used for your article. Tnx again Blessing JR
I've been a member on this board for a few years now, and I've never seen your tank--what a refreshing system you have going, man! After all the hard-core SPS and softy tanks you see running, something as "low profile" as what you have is incredible to see...and looks much larger than a 70 gal tank! Very low fish load, low lighting (compared to what other would have), and seemingly ghetto equipment: and your tank rocks! To be hoenst, I'm surprised I like it so much, but for some reason it appears VERY natural to me.

Good work man, good work.
Always thought that zoos were pretty damn ugly to be honest , but after seeing yours I think I may be on the turn - stunning to say the least .

Pity I'm on the other side of the pond , because I'd be driving down to you to buy some ;)

Ps. How do you keep your sand clean like that ? , mine always looks like soggy , muddy field.
This month's feature tank was a refreshing change of pace from the usual, high intensity, metal halide lighting, SPS dominated reef tanks we see. It is a perfect example illustrating how you don't need MH's to have a "reef", depending on how you define that term. Bravo!
kudos!!! i love the aquascaping and the beautiful colors the TOM displays. and all i can say is simplicity. congrats.


Absolutely beautiful tank.:D :D

Can't tell you that ive been looking for this type of setup! Low key and no MH light. (cant afford them!)
I have 285w Pc setup on my 90g and was wondering if i have enough light! By looking at yours, i know that i do. (at least for these type of corals and such!)

Great job ZOO_GURU, awesome specimens and the photos rock!

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"The aquarium has a soul. If you are able to nuture it as is deserves, it will give you emotions you will never forget."
WOW! I love it! It's really nice! I thought that you needed to have high lighting like mh to keep their nice color so they don't fade, I guess this isn't correct by looking at yours! Great job!
Thanks everyone, it means a lot.

I used a Sony Dsc F707 5.0 megapixel Digital Camera. I'm really into photography and trust me, these pictures had to be downsized a lot. Not to sound vain or anything, I just wish you could see how they really look.

I scarp the glass every morning and on Saturday mornings I use a dull butter knife to get down between the front of the glass and the sand to clean off the glass. Being very careful not to disturb the sand bed. The Pacific Nassarius snails also help. Whatever's left brownish or tan, i used the knife just to move the sand a little to cover it up. The power heads also help to move the sand slightly. Would you believe the power heads created the natural wave across the front of the glass, it's true.

Regarding the light, I tell people all the time, your tank size and what is going to go in it will determine your lighting requirements. PC's typically will wash out a lot of color in corals. The trick is to always have just a tab more blue than white. The Super Blues that I use are much bluer than normal actinics. Go to and buy them. They're GREAT.

If I used MH with the super blues, this tank would look so much richer, believe me. I will use them on the new system soon. I can't wait to see the results.

Hey, thanks again you guys. I'm really humbled by this.

Safe reefing everyone.

The Zoo Guru
Beautiful tank.
I have always kind of favored softies over hard, mainly because of their ability to withstand my "learn by doing" approach to reefkeeping.
I was wondering why no Xenia? Xenia is definatly one of my favorites for many reasons and I did'nt see any in your tank

Thanks Kate, I did have some xenia but they just grew like crazy and I had to take them out. I like to stick with the zoo & shroom theme, you know.

Ya, thats a really great tank! I think someone asked this before, but I couldn't find your awncer. But, how do you keep your sand so clean and white? Thanks!