I have a great idea for these difficult times that may generate some new revenue.
How about trading in your Vortech MP40W for $250 credit toward new Tunze controllable pumps? Think of the publicity/advertisement... "How good are Tunze's Controllable Pumps? X,XXX aquariasts switching to Tunze MUST know something! Why haven't you switched?
I used to have a pair of 6000s and another pair of 6200s. Well, I went with the new wizbang... I am so sorry I left the Tunze family! If I were offered a deal like that, I'd be all over it.
I've thought about selling these Vortechs, but I feel bad selling what I consider a faulty product to a fellow reefer. <sigh>
How about trading in your Vortech MP40W for $250 credit toward new Tunze controllable pumps? Think of the publicity/advertisement... "How good are Tunze's Controllable Pumps? X,XXX aquariasts switching to Tunze MUST know something! Why haven't you switched?
I used to have a pair of 6000s and another pair of 6200s. Well, I went with the new wizbang... I am so sorry I left the Tunze family! If I were offered a deal like that, I'd be all over it.
I've thought about selling these Vortechs, but I feel bad selling what I consider a faulty product to a fellow reefer. <sigh>