I traded for a Sea Clear 200g tank yesterday! I'm told its a 200g. I had been in salt water for a long time started back in 1997 but when I moved 6 yrs ago for a job I got out of it knowing I probably will get back into it later on. Wife and I talked about it for last few years and I kept putting it off due to renting. Last year on my birthday I went and drove a few hrs one way after seeing pics of a oceanic tank and was going to get it till I got there and it was badly scratched up. I wasted $100.00 that day in gas and expenses oh was I mad. It took my whole off day for the trip too! Since then I figured we would wait till we bought a house then get back into it so I been putting it off.
I've had oceanic natureview 125g for long time and always wanted a 135g or bigger. I also had a 80g oceanic also. I had moved and sold the big tank and kept the 80g. I dabbled in reef but never got my tank going strong in reef. I had a 20h that I tried plaing with also but it just would not stay stable. It was a roller coaster ride doing good then not and back and forth. I knew the tank was not ideal but got it cheap used. My 125g was my fish tank. I got fustrated with the 80g and just got burned out I think.
Almost got a 8' believe 240g or 280g years ago that I found new and it was a good deal. It just did not have a stand so I did not get it. I still wished I gotten it and may get one later after I buy a house next year.
So Anyway I traded a marble table for the Sea Clear tank,stand, wet dry sump and pump. It was up and running he had bought it 3 months before that and bought it used. Its got some scratches but not to bad just one that really stands out and I want to fix it. While its broken down I would like to polish it if I can to fix it but I know nothing about doing that. This is the first acrylic tank for me. The guy had 2 other tanks setup in his living room besides this one. We broke it down and it sure did take some time. I will show a pic when I can. I would love a reeef but this one be better suited as a fish tank I think. The hardest pert will be cleaning it as I'm short and its real tall. It has one set of T-5 bulbs for light. I will have to build a nice hood and put a bunch of T-5's and fans in. I would hate to put a lot of rocks in it and not be able to get them out or really scratch up the tank. I prefer glass tanks as I never scratched mine up badly as I know these can get done easy.I bought a used 55g today toput in my sons room as the guy gave me a wrasse. I forgot what it is and have not found a pic of it on here. We will do the 55g as saltwater and get a few fish till I buy a house and set the big one up.
I know nothing about Sea Clear tanks or there lifetime warranty policy, and I want to know what it covers and is it for purchaser or who ever owns the tank against leaks or ect.
Opinions and Ideas on which way to go fish or reef? I love reef and have the time for it just not had a lot of good luck I guess. I tried very hard. My son would like a reef in the 55g so may do it as a starter reef not decided yet. Sorry for the long wind I figured I might as well tell a little about me and my experiences. I'm excited about the tank trade for sure glad my wife made the deal happen. I may have to get another tank (like a 40L breeder tank) to get into fragging as I know I would enjoy it until I can get my big tank going. Whats smallest tank you suggest to grow frags? I'm not new at this thats for sure. Thanks, Danny.
I've had oceanic natureview 125g for long time and always wanted a 135g or bigger. I also had a 80g oceanic also. I had moved and sold the big tank and kept the 80g. I dabbled in reef but never got my tank going strong in reef. I had a 20h that I tried plaing with also but it just would not stay stable. It was a roller coaster ride doing good then not and back and forth. I knew the tank was not ideal but got it cheap used. My 125g was my fish tank. I got fustrated with the 80g and just got burned out I think.
Almost got a 8' believe 240g or 280g years ago that I found new and it was a good deal. It just did not have a stand so I did not get it. I still wished I gotten it and may get one later after I buy a house next year.
So Anyway I traded a marble table for the Sea Clear tank,stand, wet dry sump and pump. It was up and running he had bought it 3 months before that and bought it used. Its got some scratches but not to bad just one that really stands out and I want to fix it. While its broken down I would like to polish it if I can to fix it but I know nothing about doing that. This is the first acrylic tank for me. The guy had 2 other tanks setup in his living room besides this one. We broke it down and it sure did take some time. I will show a pic when I can. I would love a reeef but this one be better suited as a fish tank I think. The hardest pert will be cleaning it as I'm short and its real tall. It has one set of T-5 bulbs for light. I will have to build a nice hood and put a bunch of T-5's and fans in. I would hate to put a lot of rocks in it and not be able to get them out or really scratch up the tank. I prefer glass tanks as I never scratched mine up badly as I know these can get done easy.I bought a used 55g today toput in my sons room as the guy gave me a wrasse. I forgot what it is and have not found a pic of it on here. We will do the 55g as saltwater and get a few fish till I buy a house and set the big one up.
I know nothing about Sea Clear tanks or there lifetime warranty policy, and I want to know what it covers and is it for purchaser or who ever owns the tank against leaks or ect.
Opinions and Ideas on which way to go fish or reef? I love reef and have the time for it just not had a lot of good luck I guess. I tried very hard. My son would like a reef in the 55g so may do it as a starter reef not decided yet. Sorry for the long wind I figured I might as well tell a little about me and my experiences. I'm excited about the tank trade for sure glad my wife made the deal happen. I may have to get another tank (like a 40L breeder tank) to get into fragging as I know I would enjoy it until I can get my big tank going. Whats smallest tank you suggest to grow frags? I'm not new at this thats for sure. Thanks, Danny.