Transformer upgrade?


Premium Member
Hi Roger,

I'd like to hop-up my 6010 Stream pump. From what I've read all that is needed is the proper transformer. Where to get? And how many $ ?

The transformer is $67 and it is part 7410.602A. I am out of stock on this part and expect it will be 4-6weeks until I get more. I have 112 6100 Streams due in soon and ths exhausted the supply of transformers and I have to wait until more are made. You can buy this part direct or order it through any of our vendors. Since this isn't a part that burns out or is easily damaged I just don't normally keep spares on hand. You might also post in the used equipment forum as I have just as frequently seen people wishing to downgrade from the 6100 to the 6000 and perhaps they wish to part with the bigger transformer or trade. For that matter I traded a regular customer out and I will receive back his used large transformers and if you like we could work out a deal on those.
Oh boy:o . I really need to read more carefully. I didn't see the last sentence of your message. Goodness yes, I would be interested in those transformers.:D
Hello I have the same problem as Mark. I have the Stream 6000 unit and wish I had the transformer for the 6100. If anybody would like to swap or sell one please let me know.
You might try the selling/trading forum. I hear from people who want to upgrade and those who want to downgrade. I have some of the bigger transformers coming. Premium ordered quite a few, maybe they still have some available after I ship them what they ordered next week. I had a hard time getting them because I ordered the wrong part number- doh!