Transplanting Halimeda


New member
What is the best way to move Halimeda off a rock onto a frag rock or another part of the tank? I have some that needs to be pruned but I hate to just toss it.

pull it off the rock, stick the piece of halimeda into the sandbed. give it a week or two, it will grow roots. remove the halimeda from the sandbed and place it on a rock rubble and rubberband it down between some of the stems onto the rock. it will attach/root onto the rock in about 2 weeks to a month.
excellent. Same process if you just prune it as opposed from pulling off the rock? It sems to grow really well in my tank. I have high calcium and it loves it.
Blue my friend my Halimeda is upset with me for putting it in the sandbed.. no roots after a month. Hmmm. I wonder if perhaps I should bump my calcium to see if that helps. (?)

Oh.. sorry to hijack a bit. :D

spiffy, yes you can just pull the halimeda leaves off w/o yanking it all out if you please. i've tried pulling the leaves off and leave it on eggcrates and it eventually grew roots.. took about 2 months to do so.

hi samala :) i'd definitely try to bump up the calcium. that is the only algae in my prop tank that requires calcium. i get about 1-2" of growth on my halimeda daily. it's insane how fast it grows for me.
Yeah that is my problem. My Ca is high so the Halimeda is going nuts. Grew over to where my Xenia is and the Xenia grabbed hold and started to stick to the algea lol. I will prune it now that I know how. Thanks for the info.
another quick question. What sort of lighting requirements does Halimeda have? Currently they are under 74 watts of PC but I would like to transplant some into a new 10 gallon tank I plan on setting up for a mantis. I was planning on just using the strip light it came with. Would this be ok? I would like to try to so a semi planted tank for the mantis if possible.

Thanks again.
1-2" DAILY!? Holy smokes! Ours grows fast, and I guess I cant measure a daily amount as I'm not by the tank every day (silly little thing called college gets in the way). I do notice explosive growth when I go home every other weekend or so.

Not that my experiences are worth much but i've had decent growth of halimeda under halides and VHOs. Theres a few spots of it in our 150 which is lit by 2x 400W XM 10Ks, and as it grows, we prune it back and put it in the fuge which is lit by 2x 95W VHO White Actinics.