Tricolor Fairy Wrasse


New member
I recently bought a tricolor fairy wrasse and ever since I put him in my tank he has been hiding. I looked all around the out side of the tank in case he jumped out and saw no body. I checked the sump the fish, but to no avail. Its been 4 days now and he hasn't come out for eating I'm getting worried. Any help?
I bought a leopard wrasse last Sunday at Memfish and have had a similar experience. Wrasses will bury themselves in the sand. Saw mine the first day then not again for 3 days . Came down to check on the tank Thursday when just the moon light was on and there he was swimming and checking for pods. This morning is the first day I've seen him out when the day lights were on and that was just for the first couple of hours. It may be that your guy is in there just spending most of his time in the sand.
I dont think tricolor fairy wrasses bury themselves. He may be just hiding until he feels safe to come out. I waited a week to see my first fairy wrasse because he was hiding under a rock. Just check areas he could fit in or places maybe he could of gotten inyour tank. Good luck..
The Lubbock's can be shy in the beginning till he ( she ) is real use to the tank and people that come by. Give it some time can be up to two weeks before you really see it out swimming. Once it's use to everything it will be everywhere.