New member
Hi All,
So I bought what I believe is a Tridacna Maxima for my 450L (100g) aquarium. See pictures attached.
From the pictures can you tell if there are any problems?
Does it look to be struggling or like it's dying?
My issue is it keeps flipping over, it never seems to open fully and I am now worried it's stressing too much.
The first location I had it in might have had too much flow so I adjust the water flow to try making it right before I moved the clam. Unfortunately it would not stay for more than two days.
I then moved it into an area with less flow and placed it on a flat piece of rock which is on the substrate.
2 sand shifting gobies, 2 Clowns, Kole Tang, Mimic Lemon peel Tang, Lawnmower blenny, Yellow belly Damsel, Orchid Dottyback, Antihias (6 others have been killed),
Sand shifting star, a few Nassarius Snails & hermit crabs.
1 Abolone
My parameters:
Nitrate 4ppm, Alkalinity 11. PH 8.2 Calcium 420 and I do weekly water changes.
Lights 2 LED AI hydra 25's
So I bought what I believe is a Tridacna Maxima for my 450L (100g) aquarium. See pictures attached.
From the pictures can you tell if there are any problems?
Does it look to be struggling or like it's dying?
My issue is it keeps flipping over, it never seems to open fully and I am now worried it's stressing too much.
The first location I had it in might have had too much flow so I adjust the water flow to try making it right before I moved the clam. Unfortunately it would not stay for more than two days.
I then moved it into an area with less flow and placed it on a flat piece of rock which is on the substrate.
2 sand shifting gobies, 2 Clowns, Kole Tang, Mimic Lemon peel Tang, Lawnmower blenny, Yellow belly Damsel, Orchid Dottyback, Antihias (6 others have been killed),
Sand shifting star, a few Nassarius Snails & hermit crabs.
1 Abolone
My parameters:
Nitrate 4ppm, Alkalinity 11. PH 8.2 Calcium 420 and I do weekly water changes.
Lights 2 LED AI hydra 25's