Tridacna Maxim Help


New member
Hi All,

So I bought what I believe is a Tridacna Maxima for my 450L (100g) aquarium. See pictures attached.

From the pictures can you tell if there are any problems?
Does it look to be struggling or like it's dying?

My issue is it keeps flipping over, it never seems to open fully and I am now worried it's stressing too much.
The first location I had it in might have had too much flow so I adjust the water flow to try making it right before I moved the clam. Unfortunately it would not stay for more than two days.

I then moved it into an area with less flow and placed it on a flat piece of rock which is on the substrate.

2 sand shifting gobies, 2 Clowns, Kole Tang, Mimic Lemon peel Tang, Lawnmower blenny, Yellow belly Damsel, Orchid Dottyback, Antihias (6 others have been killed),

Sand shifting star, a few Nassarius Snails & hermit crabs.
1 Abolone

My parameters:
Nitrate 4ppm, Alkalinity 11. PH 8.2 Calcium 420 and I do weekly water changes.

Lights 2 LED AI hydra 25's
These are the most recent photos.

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You need to have it under a strong full spectrum light and it seems the foot is damage and that's why it can't stand. You need to keep it in a medium flow with good light and a flat rock underneath the sand, but not too deep.

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Regarding the lights do ypu not think two led Ai hydra 25, would be sufficient?

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Those die you should never buy. The lighting they come from is so intense. A lot of LFS sell them but most to all Die over time slowly

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If the foot didn't attached after 3 months, this is not good, check your water parameter especially calcium. Try move it higher and see if it expand the flesh.

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Most likely it's going to continue to die. Your best bet is next time get an ORA clam there more hardy plus as it grows it will better adapt

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Thanks. Yesterday i got this piece of rock. So it's on there still.

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What you should always aim for is a reasonably small rock for the foot to attach this way moving a clam around is easier when finding the spot for them in your tank. Also did you not purchase him with his foot attached to a rock? I would never purchase a clam who was not attached to a rock because when harvested they're feet can get damaged and a damaged foot can be a very very bad thing.

Also this is the main thing what are your water parameters? Clams are filter feeders actually enjoy a reasonable amount of nitrate and phos in the water. Doesn't have to be crazy but I've found 0.03 phos and between 2-5 nitrate to be a nice healthy spot for clam water

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Yes i have 4 clams a 3 inches blue maxima 6 inch derasa 3 inch squamosa and a 3 inch tigers striped derasa. So I think I might know something about clam husbandry.

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Yes i have 4 clams a 3 inches blue maxima 6 inch derasa 3 inch squamosa and a 3 inch tigers striped derasa. So I think I might know something about clam husbandry.

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That's good, no offense but you know you do just get people regurgitating information with no real experience themselves.

I'm curious about the most die though from not enough lighting, is that in your experience? I have a group of local fellow refers that we usually help each other with stuff we all have had clams and out of maybe 15 clams in the group we've lost one and I don't think it was from poor lighting.

I get what your saying but I just don't feel most issues with clams in tanks are actually from the lighting as much as people think.

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It's a lot of factors. But light is life. But your right some tanks aren't ready for clams. But those large clams normally don't do well for a number of reasons. Those are wild caught In shallow water under direct intense sunlight. Also a clam that size was really Incrusted. Prior to harvesting so am sure it Wasn't harvested well. Anyone's best bet is to buy ORA they grow them in a more controlled environment. ( getting off my soap box)

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It's a lot of factors. But light is life. But your right some tanks aren't ready for clams. But those large clams normally don't do well for a number of reasons. Those are wild caught In shallow water under direct intense sunlight. Also a clam that size was really Incrusted. Prior to harvesting so am sure it Wasn't harvested well. Anyone's best bet is to buy ORA they grow them in a more controlled environment. ( getting off my soap box)

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No definitely I think a lot of their feet get damaged when harvested. Even my crocea sits in about 600 par I just assume most peoples lights these days can do a decent job but guess your right on that one

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Lights can be and are the most expensive part of the hobby. A lot of people just getting started aren't prepared to spend the type of money to get the best lights money can buy. Also after reading post lawnmower blenny aren't clam safe. And my first choice for lights aren't LED good quality T5 fixtures with good bulbs at best preferably ATI better would be MH 400watt but 250 can work also. Research is key if you don't have proper lights get a lower light clam derasa squamosa maxima are high intense light clams that need to sit up high in tank if lights aren't strong enough

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Thank you all for your feed back. My nitrates are 4ppm i also use RFO reactor, I'll stop using that.
Calcium is 420 min.
The aquarium is the red sea max 450 and thought i was improving my lighting by AI hydra LED's. Espically that red sea use LED on all their new tanks.
One final thing since i moved it up ans on a flat rock it try to attach. Unfortunately i know this because it flipped off the rock i could see some bit off white foot particles.

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Thank you all for your feedback. My nitrates are 4ppm i also use RFO reactor, so phosphate is low, I'll stop using that.

Calcium is 420 minimum.

The aquarium is the red sea max 450 and i thought i was improving my lighting by switching to the AI hydra LED's. Espically that red sea start using LED on all their new series aquariums.

One final thing since i moved it up higher and onto a flat rock it tried to attach itself.
Unfortunately i know this because it flipped off the rock and i could see some bits of the foot, there's white string like particles stuck to the rock.

Should i try feed it anything, to help its health?

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